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The Role of Marine Corps SNCO

Essay Instructions:

• The format requirements are 1” margins, double-spaced text, and 12 point Times New Roman


• Have a thesis statement. Typically this is found at the end of your introductory paragraph; this

statement lays out the core of your position on the topic. (See the Developing a Thesis Statement

documents in the ECDEP Writing Center.)

Here are two examples of acceptable in-text citations for quotations in the ECDEP Essay:

1. In the opening line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” the author illustrates

the state of affairs after the French Revolution (Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, pg.1).

2. Kurtz’s final words in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, “The horror! The horror!”(pg.180)

intend to convey the brutality of war

Here is an example of an acceptable in-text citation of a website without a page number in the

ECDEP Essay:

1. General Mattis states, “I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential failure. I cannot even

spell the word” (Conway, Politico, Web).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of Marine Corps SNCO is the Development of Young Officers for Complex Environments and Threats
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
The Role of Marine Corps SNCO is the Development of Young Officers for Complex Environments and Threats
Marine Corps is the most elite fighting force in the world. From the quote "first to fight," whether conducting humanitarian missions or winning battles. Throughout the years, Marine Corps has established its name around the globe. The Marines are the few and the proud, but the people who lead them must be truly exceptional. The leaders consist of the most fearsome and highly intelligent officers that were trained, coached, and mentored by a Marine SNCO. SNCO refers to Staff Non-Commissioned Officers; leaders, experts, and specialists with valuable experience in various warfare or humanitarian environments or complex threats (Eudy, 2019). Marine SNCO have invaluable knowledge and experience of the corps and therefore, are best placed to mentor, train, and lead young officers in overcoming complex environment and threats. "SNCO lead, officer's command" is one of the famous quotes in the Corps highlighting the importance of SNCOs. While the inclusion of marine SNCO in military operations including training may be costly, their involvement is vital because it em...
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