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Role Of Literature Review In The Research Process

Essay Instructions:

Module 3 - Case


Case Assignment

First, view the presentation titled The Literature Review in Research and read the Module 3 background information. Then, complete a 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and bibliography) a brief Literature Review related to your selected research question.

Please include the following items:

1. Select one of the quantitative research questions you developed in Module 2 and use it here in Module 3 to guide your Literature Review.

Quantitative Research Questions

Descriptive Question

How adequate is the staff-housing provided to teachers, in education systems where the education ministry provides housing to its staff?

2. Peruse the literature; select 4 or 5 articles that relate to your research question; and read with a purpose to identify gaps in information or ambiguities that help to clarify and justify your research question.

3. Based on your review of the literature, discuss the following items in your Case Assignment paper:

Show why your research question (in original format or revised) needs to be answered (for example, does it address controversies or debates, or fill a gap, found in the literature?)

o Describe the theories that support your research question (for example, are there any theoretical models that need to be tested empirically as suggested by your research question?)

o Identify the best methodology to conduct a study to answer your research question (please explain your response)

o Describe how answering your research question (with completion of prospective study) would add to the research already completed.

Assignment Expectations

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate an understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

Include at least three in-text references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As masters-level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.

The bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

Hint: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then include a section for each assignment task. Be sure to include appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Note: If you find a non-working link, please report it to me immediately. Include the URL of another resource on the same subject.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of Literature Review in Research in Research Process Student`s Name Institution Background Information The research paper is about how adequate is the staff housing provided to teachers, an education system where the education ministry offers housing to its staff? The education ministry is entitled to give houses to teachers, whether the school is in rural areas or urban centers. Most of the schools in urban centers provide teachers with housing and too little is done on those that are in rural or remote areas. The houses presented in the urban areas are well maintained compared to those in a rural or remote area. Some cases you find a school has apartments for teachers, but the condition they are in is not habitable. Only a few teachers' quarters are in good condition in the rural area. What the education ministry has done is to include a house allowance plus a transport allowance to the teachers' paycheck to ensure the teachers can rent a comfortable house in the nearby town. The reason for the government to opt for compensation to teachers is when houses are not adequate for all or when houses are under construction or renovation — giving the teachers a house to live in boost their morale and avoid inconveniences. Many schools have houses within the school's vicinity. One of the many reasons being for security purposes and also ensure students do not feel alone. The education ministry has tried it is best to make sure teachers do not lack houses, but due to increased populations in schools has led to an increased number of teachers per school. For instance, if a school has ten homes for teachers and then three more teachers are deployed to teach, then the ministry intervenes and compensates them. In the meantime, compensation continues until new houses are built for the teachers. The transport and house allowance are calculated based on the area where you have been posted. In an urban setting, the amount is high compared to the amount compensated for teachers operating from the rural zones. Literature Review on the research Question Many teachers who find themselves in a situation where the Education Ministry is not in a position to provide adequate housing within the school vicinity, some ask for the transfer. In some cases where a teacher has been transferred to another area, and he/she asked for a transfer and denied, many resign to go and seek for another job in a private institution that has the facilities. With the low salaries, teachers have it is difficult for them to cope with the high cost of renting houses despite government support in house and transport allowances (Mongeau, 2015). Som...
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