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Discuss The Role Of Experience In Children's Early Learning

Essay Instructions:

The paper is focus on children's (0-6 years old) early learning about experience.

The paper needs to answer the two guiding questions according three articles.

1.Using examples from early learning contexts and making connections to the readings, discuss the role of experience in early learning and the importance of meaningful experiences for children.

2.Drawing on your readings and discussions of Plato, Rousseau, Comenius, and Dewey, draft a personal philosophy of education statement that outlines your evolving beliefs and ideas about early childhood education and care.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Experience in Children’s Early Learning
The social, physical and emotional development of young children makes a big impact on the overall development, and to the adult, they will become in the future. From birth children, it is observed that the child sensory experience begins to play a role in the development. Based on the above the experiences are in a big way centered on the sensory information and the other hand the environment continually exerts a commanding influence on behavior all through their life. There is the case of genetics, which does play a vital role in development, but even with all that said the experiences are equally important. Practically the said genetics will influence the brain from birth, but experience and learning will shape and profile how the child's brain will develop and grow. It is thus important to understand the young child`s development needs. This paper is going to look at experience in children's early learning by examining the role and importance of experiences for children.
To ensure the best result in a future one needs to invest and optimize on the early experiences of their child. As learning starts from infancy long before the popular formal education is introduced to the child. Importance of experiential knowledge is vital for knowing how the child personality and behavior is shaped. Experience and learning can be achieved through observation where the kid learns from watching their peers, parents or siblings. They can also learn from observing behavior on tel...
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