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Week 1 discussion Clinical Practice Special Education: Positive Learning Environment

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Positive Learning Environments

Respond to the following prompts by Sunday :

What procedures and structures have you implemented that promote a positive learning environment?

Which specific strategies will you take with you to your RSP (resource special education teacher)future classroom?

***example of an answer below :

What procedures and structures have you implemented that promote a positive learning environment?

Supporting the students in their education is another vital aspect of creating a positive learning environment. Every student must feel supported by all those who are connected to their education. This must include teachers, family, classmates, and coaches. As a special education teacher, I regularly contact their general education teacher concerning their progress in the classroom. I also regularly contact their parents to update their progress on their educational and social goals. Each student has a team consisting of the school administrator, psychological or language speech services, the general education teacher, and the special education teacher. We come together as a team to help each student meet their specific needs and achieve their goals. I have also implemented routines and classroom rules that will help them feel safe. Greeting the students at the door and welcoming them by name also creates a welcoming environment. Establishing learning routines through stations with designated times helps create familiarity in the classroom. In each station, well-established goals and expectations are posted in their workbooks to help the student know what to do and bring clarity on what they will be learning.

Which specific strategies will you take with you to your future classroom?

Another aspect of creating a positive learning environment is engagement. I have been using some of Kagan cooperating learning strategies to develop personalized learning in the classroom. Some of the strategies that I have used is Rally Robin, Timed Pair Share, and Round Robin. I try to use these strategies at least twice a week. This helps students think critically, communicate, and collaborate with each other. It also brings energy, fun, and a renewed focus on what they are learning. Each student also has academic goals that are placed in their folders so that they can take ownership of their education. The Kagan cooperative learning strategies have definitely helped me create a more positive learning environment. It has brought energy into the classroom and it has made learning more fun. I can see it in the student’s demeanor and attitude. The cooperative groups can be both academic and non-academic to help support the students and bring a more positive environment in the classroom.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 1: Positive Learning Environment
Student’s Name
What procedures and structures have you implemented that promote a positive learning environment?
As an educator, providing a productive and positive learning environment is essential to the academic, social and emotional success of a student in school. Providing such a positive learning environment offers a climate of safety whereby risk-taking is encouraged in the classroom (De Nobile, Lyons, & Arthur-Kelly, 2017). There is also open, and genuine communication between the educator and the student, respect, and trust are fostered, and positive interaction is a regular occurrence.
I have also provided a clear academic and behavioral framework for the students during the start of every week as students should be continuously reminded and know what is expected of them all the time. Making learning relevant has been an essential component of the increased engagement of the students in the entire learning process (Cangelosi, 2013). As an educator, I have found ways of adapting to the lesson and simultaneously associate it to the interests of the students. Additionally, I also addressed the needs of the students on an individual basis with the assistance of their caregivers as this has helped in improving the interactions between the parents, the students, and the teacher as well.
Which specific strategies will you take with you to your RSP (resource special education teacher) future classroom?
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