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Week 2 Special Education: Lesson Plan Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a lesson plan using the CSOE Lesson Plan Template on any topic you wish.( I will attach the template). The lesson plan has to be based on the "California standards- www(dot)ctc(dot)ca(dot)gov"

Review the TIPS (I will attach it )for completing the CSOE Lesson Plan Template document (I will attach it).

Include the following information with your lesson plan:

A short introduction that provides context to the lesson.

Identify what grade (7th grade middle school), content (English class " intro to writing an argumentative essay" and classroom setting (small groups in separate setting) this will be used.

Identify when this lesson will be used within the scope of a unit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CSOE Lesson plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
CSOE Lesson Plan
7th Grade
Introduction to Writing an Argumentative EssayCONTEXT (Students in the classroom)
This lesson will be taught to 7th graders. This will be their first time learning about argumentative essays; the first of two lessons on the topic. The class has 12 students giving room for a more participatory approach to learning. The lesson will be conducted within the framework of a traditional period.
The central focus of the lesson will to teach students the characteristics of an argumentative essay and how it differs from other types of essays. How is Theory applied
in this lesson?
Constructivism theory will be applied in teaching this class. In Constructivism focus tends to shift from the teacher to the students (Thirteen.org, 2004). The teacher merely poses the problem to students, then guides them to discover the answers for themselves, avoiding over guidance. This will help students develop critical thinking; improve their communication skills, while at the same time promoting their intrinsic motivation for learning.OBJECTIVE.
At the end of the lesson student are expected to understand the definition of an argumentative essay
They should be able to differentiate argumentative essays form other types of essays such as personal essay, descriptive essay, and reflective essay. Students should also be able to identify the characteristics of an argumentative essay
Formal and informal standards of assessment will be used to assess the level of mastery of the lesson objectives.
Students’ responses to questions asked in class discussions will help to determine the level of understanding of their knowledge on writing argumentative essays. They will also be assigned with homework on the subject of argumentative essays, which will be graded. The following week, students will take a question during class hours on the main features of an argumentative essay.
How will you address Common Core standards?
Students are expected to leave the lesson with an understanding of an argumentative essay, as the type of essay where one not only makes a case for a topic, but also reviews contradicting or opposing views, and then justifies why their chosen view is the valid one.
How will you differentiate your instruction to reach the diversity of learners in your classroom?
How will you address your English Learners?
List the specific strategies you will use.Students will learn about argumentative essays in various ways. They will engage in discussions and debates, engage in brainstorming and at the same time write about essaysAcademic Language: Supporting Learning and Language Development: Language Function: Identify the language focus of the learning task represented by the active verb within the learning outcomes.
Vocabulary: Essay, Argument
Language and Communication Skills: Critical thinkingOPENING (10 minutes – suggested)
How will you communicate what is about to happen? How will you communicate how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance? How will you communicate connections to previous & future lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?
As the class settles in, the teacher will take a roll call. The teacher will instruct the students on resource and reference material they will need. Instructions will be given to the students to find definitions of the terms “essay” and “argument” as their To Do Now assignment.
Teacher will call the class to attention. Draw students’ attention by pausing questions to them like, how many people in this have ever gotten into an argument? Did you want to persuade the other person to see things your way? Do you think you succeed?
The teacher will then tell students that argumentative essays will help them to become better and more ...
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