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Features of Modern Education System

Essay Instructions:

This is a general essay on the topic of the modern educational system, any possible references to Costa Rica or Central America (if possible) is good, if not it is ok. Where possible contrast to the traditional education system, and highlight the benefits of the modern education system. The paper is part of my teaching program. How the paper will be assessed is laid out below, APA format is critical.

Analysis and interpretation

- Approach the subject

- Clear secondary ideas

- Coherence

- Use of bibliographic references according to APA

- Contribute from your personal point of view


- Contributions

- Limitations

- Subjective opinion in general of the essay



- Textual production

- Coherence

- Order

- Correct use of references

- Analysis level

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Modern Education System Student Name Institution Keegan (2013) defines Education as a process of imparting and acquiring knowledge through teaching and learning. The earliest form of education was more concentrated on sharing knowledge on how to gather food, provide shelter, and make weapons. Before formal education was invented, people lived in an environment where they competed for survival against other humans, animals, and forces. People developed skills that evolved into educational patterns to help them survive. Education is necessary for society to flourish towards more modernized sensibility. Education systems have undergone many changes throughout history so as accommodate the emerging trends in the daily life. The traditional education systems have been replaced with the modern education systems. Due to the changes in the society, education systems have also to change and fit the new trends. Modern education exhibits differences from the traditional type of education which focused more on the role of a teacher in the classroom. With evolution in the education system, the modern form sees different interaction in the classroom. The paper explore modern education, it features, benefits and its application in Cost Rica. Features of Modern Education System The way the teacher and the students relate as well as the relationship among the students is different (Chicosky, 2015). Through such interaction, it encourages a healthy social learning environment that helps in the dynamics learning of students. Administering teaching in the right levels helps the students to estimate their own styles. The teacher needs to be efficient as much as possible so as to recognize the dynamics in the classroom (Molnár, 2015). Also, the teacher should be familiar with each student’s identities and puts them into considerations during the teaching process. This will help the teacher to teach appropriately in accordance with the needs of the students. For example, students who have different learning abilities can be allocated more time to ensure they catch up with fast learning students. The goal of the modern education system is to produce learners that are well-rounded who are able to apply the knowledge they have acquired in the classroom in the real-life situations (Fatkullina, Morozkina, & Suleimanova, 2015). In most cases, the modern curricula march the current trends. It ensures that the learners are well adjusted both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Also, teachers training in the modern system of education are different as compared to the traditional forms of education. The current training entails a clear understanding of the students as well as the different learning styles suitable to them; therefore, instructors are aware of the approaches they should use while they are facing a certain group of students. Different learners have different learning styles, and it poses a challenge to the teachers but it is important to accept this diversity so as to maximize the potential of the students which will lead to their success both in the classroom and in real life situations. Modern Classroom The modern classroom has a different perspective in that it is no longer space which is filled with formality. Due to modernity, there are innovations. The modern classroom employs various materials that aid in the learning of the students. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the instructor to promote a classroom culture that will enhance the learning of the students. Such a learning environment will make the students feel more comfortable as they learn and this will positively contribute to how they acquire the knowledge. The teacher can incorporate different learning resources that are at disposal like as use of the videos, such learning materials were absent in the old education systems. Teacher-Student Cooperation In the modern education system, it ensures that the interaction between the teacher and the students is always meaningful. There is a need to recognize diversity in the classroom and the teacher has to be as efficient as possible. The efficiency of the teacher also depends on the dynamics of the students in the learning environments. In the modern education system, it calls for the teachers that can support the students to fullest (Gadotti, 2010). In the traditional education system, the instructors in most cases were antagonistic to students. The antagonism cases cannot be avoided in modern education as it depends on the individual agencies of persons; they are dominant as they were. The situation has improved in the current world as the modern education system requires the teacher to maintain a healthy connection as it will help students to retain the knowledge they acquire in class. Another feature of the modern education system is that the students are required to learn from each other and not only to depend on the teacher. Through this, the modern education system equips the learners with a value of coordination and cooperation in the learning environment that they will take with them in the real world. Benefits of Modern Education System The modern education system provides more opportunities for learners to learn more. Due to the presence of modern technology such as computers, internet, projecto...
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