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Data of Collection and Data Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 – Case
Case Assignment
First, view the presentation titled Sampling in Research and read the Module 4 background materials. Then prepare a 3-page paper (not including the cover sheet and bibliography) which addresses the following items:
1. Select one of your quantitative research questions developed in Module 2 (or develop a new one) and use it here to guide your discussion of data collection. Question from M2- " Quantitative research question: Correlation Question: Does the number of years of experience differ signicantly between primary and secondary school teaachers when it comes to the use of performance-based assessments in their classrooms?( end of research question question)
a. State your research question. Identify the quantitative methodology that is appropriate to use to conduct a study to answer your research question.
b. Describe the data collection strategy (or strategies) you would use to collect data related to your research question. Please include a description of the surveys instruments, questionnaires, structured interviews, and/or existing records or other documents that you may use. Be very specific.
2. View the presentations titled Examples of Distributions and Descriptive Graphs and Levels of Measurement and Choosing the Correct Statistical Test and read the Module 4 background materials. Then, address the following RQ: Is there a significant difference in final grades of students who are team-taught and students who are not team-taught in the EDU504 course at your instution?
a. Describe the research methodology best suited for this study.
b. Discuss variables that need to be measured (IVs, DVs, any covariates or mediating variables).
c. Explain the type of data each variable represents (categorical: ordinal or nominal; or continuous: interval or ratio).
d. Explain data collection methodology, and type of instrument(s) that may be used to collect data.
e. Explain statistical tests most appropriate for data analysis (T-test, ANOVA, or simple regression analysis).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Collection and Data Analysis
1. Select one of your quantitative research questions developed in Module 2 (or develop a new one) and use it here to guide your discussion of data collection. Question from M2- " a. State your research question. Identify the quantitative methodology that is appropriate to use to conduct a study to answer your research question.
Quantitative research question: Correlation Question: Does the number of years of experience differ significantly between primary and secondary school teachers when it comes to the use of performance-based assessments in their classrooms?
b. Describe the data collection strategy (or strategies) you would use to collect data related to your research question. Please include a description of the surveys instruments, questionnaires, structured interviews, and/or existing records or other documents that you may use. Be very specific.
The concept of correlation is used to measure the linear relationship between two variables and in this case the number of years of experience and use of performance-based assessments in their classrooms for primary and secondary school teachers. There is no manipulation in the correlation design that examines relationships between the variables and the correlations can be detected using statistical analysis. The surveys instruments and questionnaires are appropriate in quantitative studies, compared to interviews in the qualitative studies and are used to collect data from samples (Scheuren, n.d.)
Surveys are in most cases always quantitative, and included written questionnaires and different surveys approaches such as telephone survey (Spurlock, Cox, Lewis & Lueck, 2008). A survey will help to obtain information about the and interrelations of the variables by means of self-report as the participants would respond to a set of questions, even as there are questions that require brief responses such as always/sometimes/never. The questionnaires differ from survey data collection that may require interviews since they are self-administered what respondents reading the questions and indicate their answers. The survey questionnaires can be distributed over the internet.
2. View the presentations titled Examples of Distributions and Descriptive Graphs and Levels of Measurement and Choosing the Correct Statistical Test and read the Module 4 background materials. Then, address the following RQ: Is there a significant difference in final grades of students who are team-taught and students who are not team-taught in the EDU504 course at your institution?a. Describe the research methodology best suited for this study.
The quasi-experimental designs are a derivation of the experimental studies, in which the allocation of subjects is not random although the factor of exposure is manipulated by the researcher. Furthermore, designs that lack absolute experimental control of all variables relevant due to the lack of randomization include a pre-test to compare the equivalence between the groups. The experimental group is appropriate for the study with the experiment group being those who are team-taught and the control group being the students who are not team-taught. The experiment designs are rigorous, but they also take a lot of time and resources (Trochim, 2006). The pre and post tests are conducted to evaluate the significance of the differences. If there are significant differences between the two groups this will indicate whether team teaching improves achievement. Where possible matching the age, gender and, students’ level of ability before the study is undertaken is important to better understand the e...
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