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Supporting Language Needs

Essay Instructions:

Create a list of strategies you can use in the classroom to support students with language needs based upon the included best practices. Complete the form attached.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Supporting Language Needs Student’s Name Institution Practices that Support Students with Language Needs Best Practice What it means What can you do in the classroom? Vocabulary Instruction and Language Development Introduces topics by teaching essential vocabulary before students engage in task or text. Repeated exposure to words is a highly effective strategy. This would involve using a specific vocabulary during the class to allow the student to become accustomed to the particular vocabulary and the manner that is utilized in a sentence (Graves, 2010). Providing numerous opportunities to use a new word in its spoken and written form will assist the student in solidifying their comprehension of it. Explicit forms of academic English Identifies the purpose and meaning of a specific passage, word problem, graph, time table, etc.. Introduction of summary frames would be utilized here. This will involve summarizing a specific section of a text to the student. The student would then read this particular section before verbally summarizing it to their fellow students (Kame'enui & Baumann, 2012). Additionally, the learners can also generate a list of differences and similarities between words and complete a Venn diagram which would focus on comparing and contrasting various objects such as a table and a chair. Guided Interaction Articulates content and language outcomes for each lesson to increase students’ attention to concepts. Collaborative learning will be utilized here whereby studen...
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