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Reading and Reflection: Understandings of Race and Schools

Essay Instructions:

e started using ideas from the Kendi chapters and the Dismantling Racism in Education podcast in order to analyze 1) education policy documents and 2) policies/procedures for classroom management to identify racism and anti-racism. This week, you will read the first chapter from Bettina Love's book entitled We Want to Do More than Survive plus ONE other article that was assigned to you for a jigsaw activity1.

Question 1. How does the Love chapter support your growing understandings of race and schools?

Some specific points of reflection may be:

1) The questions asked in response to Ahmed (2018) who said, “We have an obligation to make kids feel visible” (p.1): Why does Ahmed say this (or, more pointedly, why does anyone need to say this)? and Where are the conflicts that gave rise to an “obligation to make kids feels visible”?

2) What does Bettina Love help you see that was less clear in the Kendi chapters?

3) Does Bettina Love's chapter support your reflection on the HOT calling video we watched?

Question 2. What are three key takeaways from your jigsaw reading that you can use 1) in order to promote your own understanding of race and school, 2) to teach your peers about the article and it's use for studying race and schools.

1If you are unfamiliar with a jigsaw activity, please see http://www(dot)readwritethink(dot)org/professional-development/strategy-guides/using-jigsaw-cooperative-learning-30599

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading and reflection
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Understandings of Race and Schools
Abolitionist teaching can help in fostering education reforms in schools. The education system in the US is created in a way that students receive different learning opportunities based on their social class. The teaching provides a chance for creativity, boldness, rebellious spirit, imagination, ingenuity, and methods of abolitionists to demand and fight for an educational system where all students are thriving, not simply surviving (Bettina, 2019). The education system discriminates against people of color denying them the equal right to quality education, and access to good jobs and pay. The system is designed to oppress black people, people with disabilities, and intersexuality while on the other hand, complex situation of discrimination faced by blacks varies in terms of their melanin levels and gender. For instance, black girls are more likely to be suspended from school six times higher than their white counterparts and darker-skinned girls are suspended at a rate that is three times higher than those with lighter skin color.
In all the accounts, the suspension is not because of misconduct in school but because of sex stereotypes and racism from school officials and teachers (Bettina, 2019). The subjective labelling of black girls as disruptive and defiant by teachers makes them feel ignored and disrespected. Therefore, it’s the responsibility of black communities to champion for education reforms at all levels to ensure cases of racial discrimination in schools are reported and dealt with. The community should also provide moral support to darker girls to make them feel that they are equally important, and their presence matters. It is important to make them feel a sense of love, which can boost their self-esteem. The accounts of discrimination against black girls in the educa...
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