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Stereotype and different races. Education Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

What may be the difference between different races and the perspective of stereotypes? How do teachers eliminate the “bias”?

Example answer: I think the difference between races and stereotypes is that stereotype refers to a partial view of a certain group of people. Some of them can be negative, but some can be positive. For example, women are more careful than men( positive for women but negative for men), and women’s logical thinking is not as good as men( positive for men but negative for women). Most stereotypes are controversial in reality, causing dissatisfaction among some people. Because everyone belongs to many different groups, and almost every group has a stereotype about it. Unlike stereotypes, racism is a type of discrimination, which means difference in treatment. It generally refers to giving prejudice and other unreasonable and unjustified reasons to treat some people differently. There are reasons and traces for a person to have a stereotype of a certain group, but there is no reason for a person to have racism of a certain group. In other words, I think the stereotype is acceptable because it has a certain rationality. For example, the stereotype that women are more careful comes from the brilliance of women's maternity. But racism cannot be accepted because it denies a person that depends entirely on a person's skin color. If we want to eliminate bias, we must first ensure that our confidant information about a certain group is accurate, such as Muslims, African Americans, and so on. This is not based on personal observation or individual media reports, but requires large sample data and relevant authoritative academic articles. Secondly, we must dare to face our internal bias, realize and value our own implicit bias and work hard to overcome them, instead of choosing to ignore and escape. Finally, we need to try to convey the meaning and value of equality.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stereotype and different races
What may be the difference between different races and the perspective of stereotypes? How do teachers eliminate the “bias”?
Stereotype and different races are two terms that are used in everyday conversation. Although they seem similar, they have different meanings. Stereotypes are generalizations about categories of people. Stereotypes are influenced by a range of characteristics including ethnicity, race, age, sexual orientation, and gender. Although some stereotypes may be positive, they are usually negative especially when it involves a dominant group and a minority group. For instance, Farmer-Hinton et al (2013) note that “Numerous African-American residents were threatened; African American communities were burned; and 40 African Americans were killed by the mostly-White city population” (p 4). This is a generalization because despite the city being mostly white, it does not mean that all the white people were involved in the torturing and killing of African-Americans.
On the other hand, different races may simply refer to how whites, b...
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