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Story Time Criteria Early Childhood Literacy Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Here is the Lecture. I wish I had the time to write my papers. I appreciate the help. Please be sure the paragraphs flow smoothly together and proper English is used. Thank you!

Welcome to Lesson 8. You made it! What an accomplishment. Think back to your first education course and how you felt when you began. Were you excited? Intimidated? Anxious? Whatever you were experiencing is probably very different from your feelings now. You have gained an enormous amount of information about children and how they are best educated. Your textbook is a resource that I am certain you will refer to many times in the future. The ideas given are relevant and extremely easy to use.

In this lesson, you compile all of the information learned to this point and create an effective language arts center in your classroom. If left to us, I’m sure we would all choose to have a huge classroom with all of the materials and supplies imaginable. Unfortunately, that is a rarity. In the textbook you will find a huge list of suggested materials for a language arts center. This is not meant to suggest that without all of these a quality center is impossible. Nor does it mean that nothing else could go into this center. Use the ideas, information, and supplies that are available and add other items as you see fit.

Always be on the lookout for supplies. Sometimes you will find them in unexpected places. One time I stopped at a Going-Out-Of-Business sale. Inside I found a stack of huge clipboards. I knew these would be great for the children to use while writing or drawing down on the floor. When I asked how much they were, I was told $2. When I said that I would take two of them, he said, “Oh, I meant $2 for all of them.” I got twelve enormous clipboards for $2 total! Garage sales may also have wonderful treasures for your center. I once found an old typewriter at a garage sale. My students loved typing! Any avenue that results in children trying new forms of writing, experimenting with what they know, and practicing their literacy skills is a win win!

Technology is such a part of our lives that it must be mentioned. Whatever your feelings about using or not using technology in your classroom, it is something you will need to consider. How will you use a classroom computer? How much time will children be allowed to use it? It is recommended that screen time for children be limited. This includes television, computer, tablets, etc. – basically anything that has a screen. A classroom computer’s screen should be in view at all times and monitored closely by the teacher or other adult in the room. Also, you will most likely be asked by parents about e-books. Using e-books is not terrible, if it is an addition, not a replacement, to a child’s reading opportunities. An e-book that reads itself to a child will never replace the value of a parent sharing a great book with a child.

Your classroom is set and you are ready to go. Now all you need are the children. Along with children, come parents. Have you thought about how you will get to know them? How will you use parent volunteers? Why do you need to even bother? The parents will be one of your greatest resources. No one else knows your students as well. No one else can provide you with insight into what makes Johnny tick. Will you make a home visit before school begins? Will you invite them into your classroom on a one-on-one basis? Will you send a note? Will you make telephone calls? Parents need to see from the beginning how much you want to know them and how much they are valued.

Don’t count on one form of communication to be the answer with all parents. Some will prefer email, some won’t. Some will appreciate a home visit, others may not. For some, a handwritten note may be perfect and speak volumes, while for others that extra effort may simply go unappreciated. The intention is key, and the desire to relate to parents will show that you care about what they care most about – their child. Find ways to incorporate the strengths of your parents. For example, if you have a parent who is a baker, what a wonderful opportunity to involve him or her in your classroom. What about a parent who plays a musical instrument? Can sing? Writes poetry? Has a new baby? Any connection you can make is important.

It is unfortunate that many children in our country grow up in homes with abuse, financial distress, uneducated parents, and improper supervision. As a teacher, you will have the complex and overwhelming job of reaching out to these parents and their children and helping in the best way you can. Be an encourager, not a judge. Be willing to offer help. Do not be disgusted by your observations. Offer suggestions in a nonthreatening, nonjudgmental way. Often, parents want to know how to help their children better, but have no idea what or how to ask. Allow children to take books home from your classroom. It is very possible that a book from the classroom may be the only book in the home.

If I had the opportunity to talk with parents about only one topic, it would be the negative impact that television has had on our children. Physically our children are not as healthy as in the past. They are also suffering mentally. By the time children reach school, they are so used to sitting, watching, and being passively entertained that school becomes frustrating, not exciting as it should be. The violence and inappropriate subject matter often depicted on TV are damaging to children. Please encourage parents to find alternate activities for their children.

You have quite a lot to think about as you begin your career. Your task isn’t small. Your responsibilities are great. Your rewards will be huge. Have a great time, and I wish you all the best!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Early Childhood Literacy
Criteria a teacher considers when selecting a story.
A story is a series of events described through words, imagery, body language, and any other communication mode. One can tell a story concerning anything, and the events related can be real or imaginary, either fiction or non-fiction. Stories are a framework of creativity and part of everything we do, especially when it comes to entertainment in any form. Storytelling is one of the most pragmatic approaches to communicating a fundamental truth to someone else. Storytelling gives purpose, setting, and conjecture in a world marked by disorderliness and chaos. When choosing stories to recount, one adheres to various criteria. The criteria to be considered by a teacher include the age level aptness, connection of the story to education, inspiring content, values, quality of story structure, visual/sensory images, et cetera. For better education to children, stories must be told enthusiastically and dynamically. They should give a profusion of diction and commonality with a distinct story structure. In a classroom environment, narratives can lay a shade to a lesson and motivate children to learn more. Teachers need to utilize storytelling to enhance a child's memory. For an effective storytelling exercise, one partakes in the right story for the children's linguistic and cognitive capacity.
Firstly, a teacher should consider using a story for a particular age. Teachers should choose books by authors who specify the age of target children on the cover of their books. The book a teacher picks should either be a picture book or a non-fiction picture book. The pictures shown in such a book should also be suited for a particular age group. For children, a teacher should choose a book with large simple pictures. Also, a book can confuse a child when it is too detailed in illustrations.
The second thing a person should consider is the connection of the story to a learner's education. The teacher or storyteller should enjoy a story they read. The story should also have a significant connection to presenting appropriate knowledge to a learner. The outcome of a story should profit the educational growth of a child.
Also, the content of a given story should be entertaining. The concept itself should keep the learner occupied during the narrating concourse, kindling the curiosity. The interest with which a teacher tells a story helps promote a positive interest in learners.
Furthermore, a teacher's story should encourage good values. Sometimes one can have difficulty selecting a book as the interpretation of values is relative, differing from one family to another. Besides, some moral concepts can be discussed in a universal book. The book should not teach ethical values or pontificate subjects, but look to improve children's moral standards.
Moreover, the quality of the story structure should be put into keen deliberation. Quality helps build interest and suspense within a child, making the plot of a story easy to follow. The themes, style of writing, characterization, sett...
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