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Instructional Strategies Education Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

After you have thoughtfully considered the learning theories, the next step is to develop your pedagogy, or effective teaching methods, through instructional strategies.

Instructional strategies encompass all the techniques teachers use to make learning engaging, relevant, and attainable to students. It is important to understand the various strategies you can use to instruct students and to meet the various needs of all students through these strategies.

Part 1: Template

Use the “Instructional Strategies Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 2: Summary

Write a 500-750 word summary addressing the following:

Description of the strategy identified, its benefits, and any potential challenges.

Explanation of how the strategy applies to one of the learning theories from the Topic 1 assignment.

Description of a specific learning experience or activity that supports the chosen instructional strategy and learning theory.

Summary of accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction according to the needs, strengths, and learning goals of individual students.

Support your summary with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning Theories and Strategies
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Each student is different in how they understand and grasp lessons. Learning strategies and learning theories are tools to assist teachers in lesson planning for the different types of students to impart knowledge efficiently. This paper looks at the indirect learning strategy and the learning theory of teaching.
Description of the strategy identified its benefits and any potential challenges.
From lesson one, learning theories describe how students receive, process, and retain knowledge during class sessions. There are several instruction strategies. Indirect strategy Is a learner-oriented strategy that encourages student participation. Students are encouraged to be more involved in the lesson through problem-solving, asking questions, investigating, and forming hypotheses. This method is learner-driven and uses students' interest and curiosity to its advantage. The advantage of this strategy is that it gives students the chance to develop problem-solving skills, engage students, and develop logic and analytic skills. Two main disadvantages are that there may not be enough time for all the questions and analysis by students to be looked into. Under the strategy, there is problem-solving, case studies, and concept mapping as methods of learning. 
Explanation of how the strategy applies to one of the learning theories from the Topic 1 assignment.
The cognitive learning theory applies in the indirect learning strategy because it looks at how people think and that external and internal elements can influence learners. The theory focused on internal processing, where students learn by creating links between what they understood from past lessons and what they are currently learning. Group discussions and group problem solving are applied in this theory, as is used in the indirect learning strategy. While solving the exercises, students must draw on the rules they have been taught-drawing on their memory-then using their judgment and reasoning, decide which rule is appropriate for the questions, and they must solve and apply it (Claire and Muaed 2014) students can derive answers to questions by cognition when they connect they perceive answers in their minds in their understanding.
Description of a specific learning experience or activity that supports the chosen instructional strategy and learning theory
The grasp of applying the correct learning strategy and learning the...
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