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Art Curriculum for Special Education: Education Essay

Essay Instructions:


Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Many children with special needs spend at least part of the school day in special education classrooms, where they receive special instruction, sometimes quite didactic, adapted to their unique needs (Hendrick & and Weissman, 2007). The open-endedness and process orientation of art can serve as a reprieve from the highly focused tasks often used in special education. Imagine that you are in an early childhood education setting, and you are the lead art teacher. Using this information and support and guidance from Lesson 3, determine how you would create a curriculum in art that accommodates diverse learners.

Part 1: Explain why it is important to have a curriculum in art that accommodates diverse learners.

Part 2: Provide an example of an activity for children with each of the following:

Emotional and intellectual challenges

Visual impairments

Hearing impairments

Orthopedic impairments


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art Curriculum for Special Education
[date] Part 1: Importance of Art Curriculum
Among all the academic subjects in formal education, art is probably the most liberating one. Subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science deal with systems, rules, and definitions that have to be strictly followed. Unlike them, arts may or may not be conventional and following the same pattern. Art is expressive in a way that allows people to go for their preferences boldly. It accepts a classical, modified, conventional, and abstract type of art. People are not limited in what they can do with art.
However, it is a different issue if physicalities limit us from exploring art. People may have physical impairments that affect daily routines, activities, and engagements. One impairment mat lowers our chances of exploring an aspect of art (Hourigan, 2014). Though, these days, education is becoming more inclusive of students with special needs (Wexler, 2016). They design and provide special classes that allow students with disabilities to explore art with enough assistance.
It is crucial and vital that we do not neglect people from expressing themselves through art just because they lack something. We are all born with something at which we are best. Even if a person loses their hearing, they may have a talent in painting. Disability does not mean an inability to be creative and active. Students with disabilities only need some guidance or assistance in exploring the arts (Wexler, 2016). It is not to discriminate on their impairments but to give them a better learning experience appropriate to their abilities.
A diverse art curriculum would be an inclusive way to teach students with different physical impairments (Hourigan, 2014). In such a curriculum, educators will design class engagements that consider all students' strengths and weaknesses. In this curriculum, students may use their other senses and physical and mental abilities to discover more knowledge. Considering every student and their learning capacity is one way to motivate them to learn and encourage them to search for what they want to do.
In education, it is crucial to make students feel part of the group, regardless if they are physically lacking or not (Ponder & Kissinger, 2009). Discrimination of students does not only offend people but strip them of the confidence they try so hard to build. It is the last thing we want students to get from our teaching. Inclusivity will teach students that an impairment is not a reason to leave any student behind. It is rather an opportunity to be more creative and innovative with everything.
Part 2: Activities for Diverse Art Curriculum
Planning a curriculum for a diverse class is, honestly, challenging. It requires class activities that simultaneously cater to every student (Hourigan, 2014). It means that the students should engage in a relatable activity. Here are some of the activities specific to a particular impairment.
Students with Intellectual and Mental Impairment
People who are emotionally and intellectually triggered have a chance of utilizing their body parts to engage. It means that they can make use of their body, hands, feet, and senses. The challenge is that the activity should be appropriate to their mental and emotional stabil...
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