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Guidance, Support, and Training in Early Childhood (Education Essay)

Essay Instructions:







Criterion Score

3 Areas or Kinds of Guidance, Support, or Training to Become Comfortable and Capable in Working with Families

25 points

The student clearly and logically describes three areas or kinds of guidance, support, or training that he or she will need.

20 points

The student adequately describes at least two areas or kinds of guidance, support, or training that he or she will need.

15 points

The student partially describes at least two areas or kinds of guidance, support, or training that he or she will need.

5 points

The student poorly describes at least one area or kind of guidance, support, or training that he or she will need.

0 points

Response does not meet any of the specified criteria

/ 25

How to Go About Getting Assistance

25 points

The student clearly and logically explains how he or she will go about getting the guidance, support, or training for what the student answered in Q#1.

20 points

The student adequately explains how he or she will go about getting the guidance, support, or training for what the student answered in Q#1.

15 points

The student partially explains how he or she will go about getting the guidance, support, or training for what the student answered in Q#1.

5 points

The student poorly explains how he or she will go about getting the guidance, support, or training for what the student answered in Q#1.

0 points

Response does not meet any of the specified criteria

/ 25

3 Questions Student Would Ask Supervisor or More Experienced Colleague

25 points

The student provides three clear and relevant questions he or she would ask a supervisor or more experienced colleague.

20 points

The student provides three fairly clear and relevant questions he or she would ask a supervisor or more experienced colleague.

15 points

The student provides at least two somewhat clear and somewhat relevant questions he or she would ask a supervisor or more experienced colleague.

5 points

The student provides at least one question he or she would ask a supervisor or more experienced colleague, but the questions are poorly expressed and only somewhat relevant, if at all.

0 points

Response does not meet any of the specified criteria

/ 25


10 points

Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content.

8 points

Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

5 points

Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

2 points

Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

Response does not meet any of the specified criteria.

/ 10

Format - APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions

15 points

The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions.

12 points

The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions.

8 points

The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions.

5 points

The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions.

0 points

Response does not meet any of the specified criteria.

/ 15

Rubric Total Score


/ 100

Overall Score

Overall Score


90 points minimum


80 points minimum


70 points minimum


60 points minimum


0 points minimum

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Guidance, Support, And Training in Early Childhood
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Guidance, Support, And Training in Early Childhood
Guidance, support, and training are all essential for teachers. At the start of a teaching career, instructors need these three things even more. They help the teachers create good relations with their colleagues and students and enable teachers to formulate effective instructional approaches. Guidance, support, and training do not only work in schools. They also help teachers work with families to create holistic learning for students. This paper explores areas of guidance, support, and training for new teachers, how to get assistance, and the kind of questions to ask to get this assistance.
Question 1
As a new teacher, one of the areas I would need guidance, support, and training in is technology. Today, early childhood education also involves the use of technology. Children born in the twenty-first century have immediate access to the internet (Mertala, 2019). Many are more technologically savvy than their parents and teachers. Therefore, to connect with these students, teachers must learn to speak their language by becoming conversant with technology. Guidance in technology means that as a teacher, I tap into my students' interests while also firming up their technical skills. As is the case with any new development, most teachers are eager to keep up with emerging technologies (Mertala, 2019).
Therefore, most teachers go about trying to integrate technology because it can be helpful. However, as a teacher, one needs to do more than integrate new technology. One also needs to understand the technological tools available and how they affect early childhood students (Mertala, 2019). As a teacher, I need guidance to make the tools safer for my students. As a new teacher, I may not know how to make technological tools safe for my students. However, through guidance and support from experienced teachers, I get to make this possible. Also, once I get proper guidance on the safe use of technology within the class, I can communicate this to parents. This is crucial because the home environment can be freeing for most students. Through guidance on technological use, I can guide parents on monitoring their children's technology use. Training also becomes essential when it comes to integrating technology within the classroom. As a teacher, I need to learn about the most effective teaching technologies and apply them. This enables me to become a more effective teacher. It also eases the process of learning for my students who are born in the technological age.
I would also need guidance and support in instruction. Training can be adequate to help one become a professional. However, when one begins to practice their training, they can be met with significant challenges. Therefore, one needs to seek guidance and support from others to overcome these challenges and become a true professional. In teaching, this means seeking guidance on the best instructional approaches and strategies (Woodland & Mazur, 2019). As stated, children today are born with immediate access to the internet and other technological tools. The increased access to technology affects their learning as most of their time is spent on the internet. Therefore, teachers have to come up with new and better ways of teaching their students to ensure that they understand various concepts. Part of this includes usi...
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