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Benchmark - Mentoring, Coaching, and Collaboration Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

An increasing number of American students are adult learners, and distance learning has become a prominent element in the educational environment. Further, In adult education, epistemology changes from the student learning what the teacher tells him/her to know to a process of the teacher and student working together in the discovery of new knowledge. As such, successful mentoring and coaching are critical to the process. In this assignment, you will explore the relationship of mentoring, coaching, and collaboration and their application to adult learning.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Write a paper (2,250-2,500 words) that explores the relationship of mentoring, coaching, and collaboration and their application to adult learning. Include the following in your paper:

An analysis of mentoring and coaching in the teaching and learning process. In what circumstances are mentoring and coaching necessary? (Benchmarks Learning Theory 2.1: Differentiate between mentoring and coaching in the teaching and learning process.)

A discussion of how cognition influences coaching and mentoring success.

A discussion of how mentoring and collaboration are applied in adult distance education.

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Benchmark - Mentoring, Coaching, And Collaboration
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Benchmark - Mentoring, Coaching, And Collaboration
The methods of teaching used in adult learning are different from those used in teaching young children. Adult learners work together with their teachers to discover new knowledge. Mentoring, coaching, and collaboration are common concepts of teaching adult education. Each of the concepts plays a huge role in determining how the learners understand the class's details. The paper will analyze the concepts of mentoring and coaching in the learning process and outline how both concepts can be applied. It will also discuss the influence of cognition on coaching and mentoring. Further analysis will be provided on the application of mentoring and collaboration in adult education.
Mentoring plays an essential role in teaching adults since it enhances an individual's ability to understand concepts. Mentoring involves two parties where one of the parties has more knowledge regarding a particular concept than the other. In the teaching process, the teacher is the mentor, while the learner is the mentee. Mentoring is necessary in the learning process in the case where the student needs more guidance regarding classwork. It involves an informal and ongoing relationship that can last for long as agreed between the mentor and the mentee (Betlem, Clary & Jones, 2019). If the mentee needs some guidance regarding classwork, they can plan to meet with their mentor to offer the necessary guidance. The technique is applicable in learning situations where a student might not be fast enough to understand concepts in the classroom environment. It is a common teaching method since the learners might need to spare extra time for additional guidance. The technique is necessary for a situation where the learner or mentee needs to develop a certain skill for future use. The mentor would then offer support by ensuring that the mentee has developed the specific skill.
Coaching is a person-centered approach used to help people improve a certain skill or achieve their desired goals. The approach effectively teaches adults because they have prior experience and knowledge about most concepts in life. Therefore, what they need is a little help to improve the knowledge they already have. The technique involves a coach and the learner. The coaching duration depends on the goals that both parties intend to achieve.
In most cases, a short partnership has always proven to be the most effective way of coaching. Given that coaching does not provide direct solutions, it turns out to be one of the best approaches in teaching adults. Teaching adults requires the learner and the teacher to work together in getting new knowledge. Through coaching, the student gets enough guidance to come up with a solution to a problem. Coaching plays an essential role in helping learners brainstorm ideas since they do not give direct solutions to problems (Vikaraman, Mansor & Hamzah, 2017). The approach is applicable in situations where the learners only need guidance in solving a particular problem. The goal set happened with the learner and aimed to achieve specific results within the specified time. Coaching is also necessary for the educator to realize that some learners do not easily comprehend the concepts taught. Hence, they can have a relationship with individual learners to help them achieve certain goals about classwork. The process involves asking questions, providing feedback, and offering direction and encouragement. Coaching aims at performance improvement by addressing the current barriers to better performance. In adult teaching, a coach acts as a facilitator rather than an expert.
Leaners and educators have to identify whether the learning process requires mentoring or coaching. Both approaches have turned out to be an effective technique in the learning process for adult education. However, there are differences between the two approaches, which make their effectiveness slightly different. The choice of technique depends on the learner's needs. For instance, mentoring involves a relationship between the two parties, which can last for a long period. Such provides the learner with ample time to get all the help they needed from the mentor. Coaching lasts only for a short period, and hence, if the problem did not require much time, coaching is the best approach since it encourages the learner to move on to the next concept (Betlem, Clary & Jones, 2019). Mentoring only takes place whenever the mentee requires some guidance. Coaching is regularly scheduled to ensure that the learner gets the necessary help (Vikaraman, Mansor & Hamzah, 2017). In both techniques, the learners set the agenda while the coach and mentor help them achieve the set goals. Therefore, one has to choose the technique that would work best for them regarding the learning process.
Cognitive abilities play a huge role in determining the success of mentoring and coaching in the learning process. In cognitive coaching, the coach explores the thinking that influences their practices. The technique does not require a teacher to use a specific map in delivering information. Rather, the technique helps the teacher focus on their strengths and explore practices they had not used before. This technique facilitates success in the learning process since the teacher knows the best skills to use in the coaching process. Cognitive coaching helps people to understand their thinking best. Once individuals have understood their thinking, they can easily comprehend the concepts taught in the classroom. They can also use such abilities to gather new information that could be useful in the learning process. Coaching does not requ...
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