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Qualitative research analysis (Cont.)

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Developing Digital Competences in Education: A Qualitative Research Analysis Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name May 19, 2024 The development of digital competencies in educational institutions, especially in schooling and learning, is of great importance, particularly following the ever-increasing use of technology in teachers' workplaces. This paper analyzes six qualitative research studies, each employing a different research design: case study, grounded theory, ethnography, narrative, phenomenology, and historical research. Each research contributes one or another piece of the puzzle for digital competencies, from teachers' training to the impact of emergency remote teaching. Numerous qualitative studies that have been investigated demonstrate how diverse qualitative approaches are regarding digital education knowledge. Qualitative Articles Analysis Case Study: Developing Digital Competences of Pre-Service Teachers The main goal of the research by Reisoğlu and Çebi (2020) was to build up the digital skill level of the in-service teachers through an organized training program; the findings are evaluated through DigComp and DigCompEdu frames. The study problem was the importance of proactive digital skills formation in pre-teacher educators responsible for classroom operations to meet higher standards of excellence during professional practice. The assessment was aimed at the efficacy of a modified 70-hour training on digital competence areas like information and data literacy, communication, collaboration, digital content creation, security, and problem-solving. Research questions were aimed to determine the level of digital skills development of pre-service teachers, how they plan to use the acquired knowledge throughout the rest of their professional lives, and the pros and cons of the program we developed. The study design consisted of 24 participants who wrote down their experiences in diaries and shared their views in focus groups. Deductive and inductive research methods highlighted that teachers in their pre-services must receive proper training that involves computer aid, plenary sessions and class difficulty, and evaluation and empowerment of learners by allowing them to use the media to develop themselves. Collaborative learning among athletes, training staff exemplification, and theory matching with actual life practice have been noted as critical factors that enable athletes to become resilient and thrive in sports. The ethical question of informed consent and confidentiality should also be addressed. If the effect persists, the following steps could be a more extensive sample unit and a more extended investigation. Grounded Theory: ICT Ethics-Related Cognition Among Undergraduate Students The study by Al-Nuaimi et al. (2020) attempted to probe into the ICT ethics cognition of Omani undergraduates; this was done carrying the concepts of "policy vacuum" or "conceptual muddles" seen in the work of Moor (1985) as the foundation. The research problem emphasizes delineating college students' perspectives and how they build up beliefs about digital ethics. The goal was to herald the constituents of ICT ethics-related cognition and the influential factors that affected the process. The research questions concerned contemplating such cognitive constructs and the entities impacting them. The student, academician, and information management system (IMS) professional researchers were placed in the group discussion and interview to collect the qualitative data using the grounded theory design. The study applying the stick plot comparative thematic analysis discovered ten thematic areas about building theoretical images and moral attitudes towards ICT ethics. The findings suggested that undergraduates' definition of ICT ethics is considerably practical, and they stress more about information privacy and management. The main aim of using grounded theory was to make a valuable framework that gave the participants' experiences some background. Ethics issues included confidentially protecting the participant's identity and ensuring voluntary participation in the study. Besides, later investigations may involve generalizing into different practical contexts and focusing on the increments of ICT ethics cognition over time. Ethnography: Investigating Digital Doings Through Breakdowns in a BYOD School The study by Alirezabeigi, Masschelein, and Decuypere (2020) researches the way personal digital technology is integrated into schools, more specifically, within the BYOD environment. The issue concerning this research problem is that the influence of digital devices on school culture when neglected, is a grave concern. Through this methodology, I intended to 'understand the silent works of t...
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