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Professional Personality Traits of Special Education Teachers in Asia

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Professional Personality Traits Of Special Education Teachers In East Asia Student's Name Course Professor's Name University City (State) Date Background The topic of your study (not more than 25 words)? Professional personality traits of special education teachers in East Asia Aim/purpose of your study This study explores the professional personality traits of teachers working in special education and the impact of these traits on their performance. It will also assess the ways in which different professional personality traits help or hinder teachers in achieving their goals in the classroom. Research Questions 1 What are the different professional personality traits of teachers in the special education field? 2 How do different professional personality traits impact the performance of teachers in the field of special education? 3 How do various professional personality traits help or hinder teachers in achieving their classroom goals? Problem Statement Professional personality traits are linked with an individual's professional performance and progress. These play a crucial role in reflecting the conduct of individuals in the professional arena. The professional personality traits of teachers play an essential role in establishing rapport with the students and during class handling (Stronge, 2018). It is vital for a teacher to have a connection with students so that their learning can be facilitated. The impact of professional personality traits on children's education has been explored in various studies. However, there is a dearth of research on the influence of professional personality traits of teachers in the special education field in Asia, particularly in East Asia. In contrast, it has been explored in other parts of the world (Saloviita, 2020). Therefore, this research explores and focuses on the ways in which professional personality traits of teachers impact the special education field in East Asian countries and the way they contribute to this field. The ways in which various professional personality traits help or hinder teachers in performing their role in the special education field will also be elucidated. Literature Review Professional Personality Traits Professional personality is the constant attitude of people aligned with their occupation's requirements. Professional personality traits can be described as how individuals work, carry themselves, and maintain healthy communication with others in a working environment (Klézl et al., 2019). The personality of some individuals is best for some fields. The personality trait of an individual should match with his profession. Numerous personality types are linked with the different types of professions (Heslin, Keating, & Minbashian, 2019). Every individual has a unique personality structure, which is a fusion of their personality type, occupation, and interests. Career anchor and trait-factor theories have suggested that individuals choose their careers based on their personality traits and values (Klézl et al., 2019). The greater alignment of an individual's personality traits and profession makes him successful and productive. A mismatch of these two factors might hamper an individual's growth and progress in the official arena. Due to varying working conditions and demands of the profession, every profession requires different skills, knowledge, temperament, skills, abilities, and psychological well-being of employees. This means that various professions have different personality requirements. An individual can showcase his talents when his personality traits align with his occupation (Heslin, Keating, & Minbashian, 2019). On the contrary, non-alignment of personality traits and occupation might lead to a frustrated individual struggling to be productive in his profession. Special Education Special education is a type of instruction designed to cater to the different needs of a disabled child. This reflects that it is developed to meet a particular child's needs and requirements resulting from his disability. In this case, the "one size does not fit approach" is inappropriate as every child's needs differ depending upon the child's disability (Kauffman et al. 2021). Special education is customized and individualized for every child. For example, some children might need to attend an extra session in the resource room with an expert, whereas others might need to go to a different institute that is solely for kids with disabilities. It is developed for children with behavioural, cognitive, and emotional impairments, such as speech, hearing, intellectual, learning, or speech disabilities; children with neurological or orthopaedic issues; and gifted children with more significant academic potential (Kauffman et al., 2021). It consists of a customized curriculum that is starkly different from that of nondisabled peers of the same age, such as using Braille to teach reading and writing to a blind student (Friend, 2022). It also uses the same general curriculum but with modifications and adaptations according to the differential abilities of the differently abled child. Personality Traits of Teachers Teachers are the central figures in the educational process. They are role models for their students and are known for structuring and shaping the entire educational realm for their students. Teachers play a pivotal role in students' success through their skills, personality traits, behaviour, and knowledge (Toropova, Myrberg, & Johansson, 2021). The personality of the teacher has a direct influence on the response of students in the classroom and their attitude toward learning. The facilitation of students in the school and the teacher's performance depends on a teacher's professional and personal qualifications (Kim, Jörg, & Klassen, 2019). Professional qualification refers to the knowledge related to one's profession (Ilgan, Aktan, & Sevinç, 2022). Personal qualifications consist of their ability to manage change, solve problems, maintain communication with students, be creative, have tolerance, be problem-solving, and have empathy for students (Kim, Jörg, & Klassen, 2019). A teacher's professional personality traits significantly influence the learning behaviour and attitude of students in the classroom (Istiyono et al., 2021). The personality traits of a teacher continue to influence and impact the way she performs her role. Teachers' personality traits can present the teacher as a mentor or a strict person devoid of connection to students. Special Education in Asia A report by UNICEF in 2021 illustrated that there are almost 240 million children who live with a disability (from birth to 17 years), or one in ten children has a disability globally. The range of children with disability is from six per cent to eleven per cent in different parts of the world, including Europe, East Asia, Central Asia, the Pacific, and South Asia. The largest number of disabled children is present in South Asia, which is around 64.4 million, succeeded by East Asia and the Pacific at around 43 million (UNICEF, 2023). The large number of children with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region has made the countries extend their c...
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