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Individualized Education Programmes for Students with ASD in Hong Kong

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Individualized Education Programmes for Students with ASD in Hong Kong Student's Name Institution Course Code & Title Professor's Name Submission Date * * Introduction 1 Educational Challenges of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Global Context The demand for particular personalized educational measures is highly pronounced all over the world, facilitating the development and learning of children with ASD. The education of ASD students in Hong Kong exemplifies the issues, whereas attempts to solve them are seen in the initiatives and the services. A global set of educational problems defines the nature of the disease for students with ASD. ASD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by problems in social interaction, communication, and behavior. These problems affect students' educational attendance and involvement, leading to academic failure, social alienation, and emotional problems. Moreover, the diverse nature of ASD implies that each learner will possess a distinct profile of strengths and weaknesses that should be managed by employing the proper support and adaptations for optimal educational outcomes. In the traditional classroom setting, educators encounter the challenge of responding to the varied needs of ASD students, which in turn leads to disparities in the education experiences and results of this group. 2 The Situation of Education for ASD Students in Hong Kong The issues in the support of ASD students are uniform in Hong Kong. Though the government of Hong Kong provides many programs and support services to students with special needs, including ASD, gaps in resources, awareness, and training persist. Availability of specialized services is limited, queues for evaluation and diagnosis are long, and there are no standard procedures for creating IEPs for ASD students in Hong Kong in most cases. 3 Purpose of the Literature Review This literature review examines the current situation, challenges, and possible remedies concerning Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with ASD in Hong Kong. Drawing from international experiences and best practices, gap analysis of the current literature, and suggestions for further research and practice, this review aims to enhance the services provided to students with ASD in the Hong Kong education system. * Characteristics of ASD Students and the Importance of IEPs 1 Definition and Characteristics of Autism and Special Needs of Students with ASD Signs of autism include deficits in social communication and interaction and restricted interests with repetitive behaviors (Joon et al., 2021). Social dysfunctions in people with ASD may come in the form of ignorance of social cues, poor or no eye contact, and the inability to participate in reciprocal conversations. In addition, a large percentage of people with ASD also have sensory sensitivity and sensory processing disorders. Even though these features are irritating in educational environments, they demand special interventionist methods in order to assist the learning and development of ASD students. In addition, quite several students with ASD have cognitive and learning style differences. These people may succeed in one field but not in other simple academic exercises. Additionally, comorbidities are common in ASD patients; some of them suffer from ADHD, anxiety, and depression, which makes their educational needs very complex (McLean et al., 2020). Knowing the varied needs and struggles of ASD students' is fundamental in crafting individualized educational programs (IEPs) tailored to their uniqueness that are beneficial to both academic and social progress. 2 Definition and Benefits of IEPs IEPs are personalized programs aimed at fulfilling the specific needs that children, including those with ASD, have. In the US, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) ensures that children with disabilities are not deprived of educational services (Burke & Boccia, 2020). IEPs specify particular educational goals, modifications, and the allocation of support services tailored to the assets and weaknesses of each student. This team comprises teachers, parents, experts, and, where practicable, pupils. IEPs are designed to individualize instruction and services, fostering the academic, social, and emotional growth of students with disabilities, including ASD. Research indicates that quality IEPs for autistic children improve academic performance, engagement in learning activities, and social behavior (Kraemer et al., 2020). IEPs facilitate the provision of a unique learning environment to children with ASD, where the teachers ensure that their needs are met and they are given appropriate accommodations and supports such that they can access the general education curriculum as well as general education settings with other children with ASD. 3 The Practice of Ieps in a Global Context (Adaptations and Strengths of Students with ASD for IEPs) Around the globe, IEPs may differ in cultural, academic, and legal sense. Nevertheless, some adjustments and resources for ASD students can take the optimal advantages of IEPs in various environments. One advantage of ASD students, in the context of IEP principles, is their ability to perform well in structured and predictable environments (Holmes, 2020). A learning environment should be pleasant and have clear expectations, routines, and visual support given by teachers, which will create an appropriate learning environment that will increase the participation and engagement of ASD students in educational activities. Moreover, visual and supportive technologies can enable autistic children to communicate, organize, and comprehend. Visual support for such students can entail graphic organizers, visual schedules, and social stories, which help ASD learners grasp concepts and foster independence (Purnama et al., 2021). Also, the preferences and abilities of these learners can help them perform academically and socially well in an IEP environment. Teachers can give students who excel in certain subjects more like content and tasks to create the dominance and competence effect. * IEPs for Students with ASD in a Global Context 1 Overview of International IEP Models Various countries have developed specific models of IEP implementation to address the special needs of children with ASD. Although many principles are common among these models, such as individualization, collaboration, and accountability, the models can differ in specific procedures and frameworks. For example, in the US, IEPs are mandated by the federal law referred to as the IDEA (Burke & Boccia, 2020). They are the contracts that detail educational goals, services, and accommodations for special needs students, which include ASD. In the US, IEP development is a team process led by a group of professionals, parents, educators, and the student, if appropriate, which evaluates the student's needs, sets goals, and identifies the appropriate intervention and supports for the student (Curro et al., 2022). The situation is the same for Canada, where every province and territory has education policies and legislation regarding delivering special education services, including IEPs. Nonetheless, while the specifics of the processes and the language of use differ across jurisdictions, the main goal of customizing education to suit the needs of ASD students is the same (Ross et al., 2020). In the United Kingdom, person-centered planning helps to develop individual support planning for students with ASD. It is marked by the person and their family's active participation in decision-making and goal-setting. The approach is learner-centered, with the learner's interests, abilities, and wishes being the focus (Gore et al., 2021). 2 Case Studies of IEPs in Different Countries or Regions Case studies from different countries offer practical examples concerning the application of IEPs and their effect on children with ASD. Research in the United States indicated that IEPs benefit ASD students in academic achievement, socialization, and behavior (Curro et al., 2022). Case studies illustrate the significance of early intervention, comprehensive assessment, and continuous monitoring and revision of IEP goals and strategies required to keep up with the evolving needs of ASD students (Findley, 2023). Case studies from Australia established that IEPs facilitate the benefits of inclusive education for ASD students at all levels of school, post-secondary education, and employment (Martin et al., 2019). The collaborative partnership between schools, families, and community agencies is crucial in realizing the educational and vocational goals of students with autism spectrum disorder and their independence and self-advocacy. The rate of ASD in Japan is increasing, and the government is making significant efforts to improve IEP support for ASD students. The country has adopted a foreign version of IEPs but faces many challenges around cultural diversity and attitudes towards educating people with disabilities (Sasayama et al., 2021). Working with teachers, parents, and professionals is of great importance, as well as providing individual support to school and socializing autistic children. 3 Benefits and Impacts of IEPs on Students with ASD IEPs have a positive effect on students with ASD and their academic, social, and emotional devel...
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