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A review of literature on the education strategies/models currently used in different countries for the development of creativity, critical thinking, AND/OR problem solving in school settings

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Literature Review on the Education Strategy/Model Student’s Name Institution Course Name and Number Lecturer’s Name Due Date Literature Review on the Education Strategy/Model In this era of digital educational transformation, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence are increasingly bringing significant changes to education. As a result, teachers are striving to implement teaching pedagogies that accommodate these changes and facilitate continuous learning. Learning helps students gain comprehensive knowledge that shapes their behaviors and benefits them in their personal lives and society as a whole (Alacapınar, 2018). In the entire educational process, learning is the most critical activity to accomplish the success of educational goals. As such effective learning process significantly affects student education. This requires an understanding of a teacher's pedagogy. Creating a learning environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving empowers learners to become active contributors to society (Aldabbus, 2018). It equips students with the skills they need to succeed in the ever-changing world. This literature review reviews an education strategy currently used in different countries for developing creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. An education strategy or model entails a wide range of approaches and techniques aimed at promoting learning outcomes and enhancing teaching. Project-based Learning One education strategy used for supporting the development of student's creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving in school settings is project-based learning (PBL). This is an educational approach used to teach students skills and concepts, focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills (Crespí et al., 2022). It motivates learners to participate actively in meaningful projects. A traditional classroom setting highly emphasizes teachers presenting information and expecting learners to memorize facts and then engage in summative assessments to communicate their understanding (Gubacs, 2014). However, in the PBL model, students learn by working together to make decisions and solve problems. Instructors give them assignments that force them to think critically and collaborate with others (Jalinus & Syah, 2023). They are required to show up prepared with questions and answers instead of just listening to the lessons. During the sessions, students work closely with their peers and teachers to come up with solutions and create products that demonstrate their knowledge. Kaur (2022) clarified that PBL enables learners to gain knowledge and skills by working for a long time to investigate and respond to complex questions. It also allows educators to control the classroom by incorporating project work. Project work encourages learners to develop, solve issues, make informed decisions, conduct research, and allow students to work in groups (Kokotsaki et al., 2016). Because the strategy requires students to complete a project, they are forced to design efforts and concentrate on the available task. As a result, they become more invested in the project’s outcome and less likely to procrastinate. According to Zhang (2023), PBL is the use of classroom projects to bring profound learning, where students use technology and inquiry to engage with questions and issues that are relevant to their lives Xiong (2021). Teachers use these classroom projects to evaluate students’ competence. Teachers who employ this model in their pedagogy allow students to form their studies, which helps in developing valuable research skills. PBL is one of the models that boost student creativity by encouraging students to collaborate with their peers, explore a topic in-depth, and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Kubiatko, 2021). In the PBL, students are encouraged to be more active in learning. Teachers only facilitate learning. They assess the outcome of student work displayed in the project results. In addition to teachers’ role as facilitators, Kaur (2022) noted that teachers who engage their learners in PBL activities often experience a role change. Instead of being simple knowledge dispensers, they identify their key responsibility as guiding, coaching, and mentoring students (Jalinus & Syah, 2023). They teach learners how to formulate a question and develop hypotheses and approaches (Gubacs, 2014). Simply put, teachers become co-learners as their students assume learning projects This model also involves interdisciplinary connections, assisting learners to see the significance and interconnectedness of their education. History depicts that PBL stems from the progressive education movement that championed for increased student-centered and experimental techniques to education that support in-depth learning through active exploration of actual challenges (Crespí et al., 2022). Inspired by John Dewey’s ideologies, William Heard Kilpatrick coined the ‘project approach’ cited as the prototype of a PBL model (Aldabbus, 2018). For Kilpatrick, the foundation of the ‘project method’ lies in its being an activity performed by learners that interests them (Gubacs, 2014). PBL and other inquiry-based techniques have historically faced criticism and resistance by individuals emphasizing the value of students developing particular content knowledge in traditional subject areas. For an education model to be classified as PBL, it must have the following characteristics. First, it must present open-ended and complex questions. This model encourages students to do deep research, gather knowledge, and...
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