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Professional Development Plan For Special Education Teacher

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the professional development plan is to reflect on and improve your practice through collaborative inquiry, observation feedback, and your performance data. It is important to understand your responsibility for ongoing professional learning. Please fill this out to help you grow as an educator. For sample goals search for California stAndards. For me the first goal

Would be to create a safe and welcoming learning environment where students feel safe to express themselves. The second goal would be something related to positive behavior reinforcement.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
    Professional Development Plan   NAME  _______________________________________ DATE  _________________        Self-Assessment based upon Teacher Performance Expectations:
 Strengths TPE’s Areas for Growth
Ability to develop strong rapport and relationships with students. TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning Being a workaholic, I sometimes find myself doing everything for students. Things they should do on their own.
Good classroom management skills TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning I am a stricter and tend to be inflexible
Knowledge of subject matter TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning Time management issues
Knowledge of curriculum and standards TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Technologically incompetent
Knowledge of students TPE 5: Assessing Student Learning Inconsistency with student expectations
Dedication to teaching
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