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Learning Diary: The Process Of Teaching And Learning

Essay Instructions:

 Strengths: In your opinion, what are the strengths of the article?

 Weaknesses: In your opinion, what are the weaknesses of the article?

 Pluses: What do you like about the article? What ideas particularly resonate with you?

 A-Ha's: What ideas are ‘A-Ha's' for you (things you didn't know before)?

 Concerns: What concerns do you have about the ideas presented?

 Connections: How does the article relate to education and/or your teaching?

 Personal views: Based on what you have read here and/or know from previous sources,

what are your own views and conclusions about the topic?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning Diary
Learning diary
The process of teaching and learning are intertwined, teaching is just the half process of learning. To prepare students for effective learning, there need to find ways of motivating students to learn the subject matter and skill taught in school. In an article titled, Complete Public Speaking Handbook for School Administrator: with Ready to Use Speeches and Technique for Effective Delivery written by Edward Deroche, this article offers motivational techniques that can help students effectively engage in the learning process.
The article strength includes reviewing other kinds of literature to justify his techniques, for example, the author defines the kind of motivation students need using an old saying that you can lead a horse to the water but cannot make him drink the water. The author further twists the saying stating that you can feed the horse with enough salt that would make him want to drink the water. For him, this is motivation. The article refers to Jack Frymier's book of motivating and learning in school to offer interesting motivation techniques that are applicable. The author also presents his personal experience stating that some of the motivational techniques require collaboration while others require individual efforts. What is unique about the article are the nine motivation techniques that are similar to education procesesesa that teachers need to implement. These includes, reviewing lessons before teaching, use of the questioning technique, being enthusiastic, engaging students to teach each other, use of rewards, use of real-world resources and materials, testi...
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