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Lives of American Children As Affected by Stricter Immigration Rules

Essay Instructions:

 Strengths: In your opinion, what are the strengths of the article?

 Weaknesses: In your opinion, what are the weaknesses of the article?

 Pluses: What do you like about the article? What ideas particularly resonate with you?

 A-Ha's: What ideas are ‘A-Ha's' for you (things you didn't know before)?

 Concerns: What concerns do you have about the ideas presented?

 Connections: How does the article relate to education and/or your teaching?

 Personal views: Based on what you have read here and/or know from previous sources,

what are your own views and conclusions about the topic?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning Diary
Learning diary
The raging debate about immigration results includes tougher enforcement laws at the border with nobody realizing how frustrating these laws can affect the local who are not illegal immigrants. American children living along the borders are most affected because they have migrated between two cultures, two languages and two nations, each and every day straining resources for public school districts. Stakeholders wonder whether these tough rules are in the best interest of Americans. With different consideration for Americans and Mexican citizens. Mexican families are required to pay tuition while some do not pay taxes that support public services because it is difficult to determine whether they are Americans or Mexican citizens.
An article by Patricia Leigh Brown titled Young U.S. Citizens in Mexico Brave Risks for American Schools highlights the frustration of American citizen living in Tijuana, Mexico. The author shows the daily struggles of children and their daily experiences. The description used in the article offers a vivid picture of the daily experiences of children who have to access public high school that is eight miles away in Chula Vista. According to the author, accessing education means waking up very early in the morning. The journey includes three hours commuting to school after waiting for the bus at the filling station to cross the border The author gives examples of children like Martha experience other students like Luis and his sister who are forced to wake up at 3 am in the morning. Others travel 20 miles using risky roads known for robberies, but what motivates them is the fact that all of them wants to become important peopl...
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