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Describe My Academic Dismissal From The University

Essay Instructions:

1.Explain the reasons that led to your poor academic performance.
2.Summarize how the circumstances have changed or improved which will enable you to perform successfully in future semesters.
3.Supporting documentation must be attached to this appeal form to substantiate any mitigating circumstances that led to your suspension/dismissal.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Suspension Appeal
I am here by writing to appeal for my academic dismissal from the university. Not so shocking though, I was still upset to receive the dismissal letter. I received the letter last week when I least expected it. I am here to request for reinstating me back to the university the coming semester.
I cannot put the blame on anyone for my poor performance, but I own up all the mistakes and miscalculations I made last semester. I will say that I struggled through the semester, but the whole thing was based on me as an individual. It is true that it was a blow when my family broke up and my parents were separating. This was an issue that I walked into the semester with because I just did not know how I was going to adapt to the single-parenthood kind of a family. I wanted my family to stay together happily. The experience was depressing, and it affected me a great deal. Instead of focusing on my purpose in school, I focused on the fear of the unknown that I had. This caused and ate up my study time a great deal. I will not use this as an excuse, however. Normally, I have had problems with time management. For those who have been around me for some time know that I had trouble in completing and submitting my assignments in time.
The last time I visited my school advisor, I was advised to make my timetable that would help me to study more after the class work. I thought it was a great idea, but due to my slo...
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