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Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 4: Stakeholder Compliance
Essay Instructions:
An ethical code of conduct provides a well-defined framework outlining the organization's expectations for ethical behavior. When stakeholders perceive an organization as committed to ethical practices, their confidence in its integrity increases. This trust fosters long-term sustainability and success.
In this assignment, you will prepare a 3 page ethical code of conduct for your selected organization, incorporating prior coursework.
Note: Continue envisioning yourself as a leader at your selected organization.
Step 1
Review the course readings and video presentations and conduct additional research using the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site.. Focus on moral, organizational, and legal compliance requirements.
Review your organization’s existing policies, procedures, and practices to identify any gaps or areas that need improvement related to ethical conduct.
Synthesize your research to evaluate the effectiveness of current systems. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
How do existing organizational ethical standards influence its cultural ethos?
What specific legal compliance requirements are relevant to your organization’s industry and operations?
How have shifts in cultural norms and ethical standards influenced changes in laws and regulations governing the organization’s activities?
How do ethical and legal standards intersect and affect decision-making?
Can you identify instances where the organization’s ethics have led to positive changes in legal compliance?
Step 2
Download the Ethical Code of Conduct Template.
Use your brainstorming and prior coursework to complete each section of the template. Use the prompts provided on the template as a guide. Ensure your content is tailored to your organization’s specific industry, stakeholders, and challenges.
Use APA-formatted in-text citations to support your thinking. Cite your sources in an APA-formatted reference section.
Note: Your finished assignment should look like something used in the workplace. Instead of an APA-formatted essay, it should resemble an authentic, evidence-based ethical code of conduct for the company you are analyzing. It should include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference list. You do not need an APA-formatted title page.
Step 3
Submit your ethical code of conduct as a Word document.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethical Code of Conduct
[American Express has demonstrated its exceptional code of conduct in all company processes by emphasizing ethical values. The firm has designed “blue box values” that integrate respect, inclusivity, and diversity, while the revised ones include integrity and social responsibility (American Express, 2024). These standards guide all stakeholders and inform their decision-making to ensure the company fosters an ethical working environment. Compliance with these codes also enables all parties, including American Express, to remain committed to the desirable ethical behaviors in all business encounters. This emphasis on specific values confirms why American Express has earned a reputation as a highly ethical institution with outstanding operational standards.]
Statement of Purpose:
[American Express formulated a code of conduct to create a working environment guided by ethical values and associated principles to meet the diverse needs of clients and stakeholders. The arising ethical standards resonate with the company’s core values, including absolute respect for others, integrity, and inclusiveness. As a result, such an objective has enabled the firm to cultivate its ethical standards, which are critical for its current reputation and development.]
Core Values:
[The revised core values for American Express comprise:
Diversity conscious
Responsibility to environment and communities.]
Principles and Standards:
[American Express has formulated seven guidelines for promoting compliance with the company’s core values by emphasizing desirable actions and practices. They comprise:
Conduct during colleagues’ and stakeholders’ interactions. At American Express, we must recognize, value, and celebrate the input of all parties with ultimate respect and dignity and without any preference (American Express, 2024).
Employment opportunities. The firm acknowledges the value of fair treatment by providing equal opportunities in an inclusive recruitment process that prioritizes diversity in all forms (American Express, 2024).
American Express does not condone harassment. The company prohibits verbal, physical, or written behaviors that reflect hostility, intimidation, or offensiveness (American Express, 2024).
The firm expects all its workers to refrain from conducting its businesses under the influence of substances, including alcohol and other performance-impairing drugs (American Express, 2024).
All American Express stakeholders should prioritize the company’s environmental and community commitment and protect the exploita...
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