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Know Yourself (Ass)
Essay Instructions:
Taking the time to self-reflect and get to know yourself better means dedicating time to learning what makes a good leader and determining the steps to work on to become a better leader. Journaling is an excellent vehicle for this reflection and growth.
In this assignment, you will appraise five elements of self-reflection and self-assess across three days in a 3 page reflective practice journal to enhance your leadership capacity.
Time-Sensitive Preview: You will use your self-assessment of each element to complete the Module 5 assignment. Preview the Module 5 assignment instructions for insights.
Step 1
Review the module readings, presentations, and discussion.
Download the Reflective Practice Self-Assessment Journal Template and preview all sections.
Step 2
Use an external site., course materials, and other scholarly or professional sources to review these five elements of reflective practice: mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to ourselves, and examining attitudes. Incorporate information from at least two sources into your journal.
Research best practices for self-reflection, journaling, and building leadership capacity through reflective leadership.
Step 3
Follow the instructions on the template to synthesize the information to self-assess each element across three days.
For each day, identify one situation in your professional practice for which a different response might have resulted in a better outcome. Describe each situation, then record short narrative responses to these questions for each of the five reflective practice categories:
How could I have used this reflective practice to improve the outcome?
What did I observe about myself in the situation?
As a leader, what could I do in the future to make a similar situation a more positive experience?
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page for at least two sources, at least one of which must be outside-of-course.
Submit your 3 page reflective practice self-assessment journal. No title page is necessary; design your own document heading while ascertaining your name is provided at or near the top of your document. Instructor's Note: Your Template Chart expands to accommodate the sentences and paragraphs you provide for each cell on the chart. You are not asked to provide a separate reflection paper as you did in your Module 3 Assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflective Practice Self-Assessment Journal
Day 1:
Situation: Conflict Resolution
A conflict arose among team members on the roles that each member was to play in reaching the overall team objectives. My immediate reaction was to intervene and resolve the situation. However, through my intervention, I was becoming frustrated and defensive.
Reflective Practices
How could I have applied reflective practice?
What did I observe about myself?
How will I make improvements for the future?
Mindfulness would have been a vital attribute in this situation. Had I been mindful, I would have handled the situation with more composure.
I noticed that my frustrations and being defensive increased with each intervention I tried to implement.
Practicing mindfulness can be vital in addressing conflicts. As a leader, it is important to engage in practices like meditation in long-term emotional management, and breathing in short-term situations, to calm down during conflicts (Robson, 2022).
I could have been more aware of my emotions and defensiveness which affected my actions at the time.
I noticed that I lost control of myself and my emotions during the situation.
I will practice emotional regulation. Practicing emotional regulation helps to create self-awareness in emotionally charged situations.
Focusing on creativity could have helped to advance unique approaches to address the conflict.
I realized my failure to engage in innovative thinking in this situation.
In the future, I will focus on the continuous practice of conflict resolution strategies. Advancing ways in aspects like mediation could have helped to resolve the issue.
Being True to Myself
I could have stayed true to my nature of understanding issues fully before pushing my agenda.
I noticed my inability to collaborate and engage in open dialogue at the time.
I will need to align my core values with my actions. This can happen by training on aspects like collaborations and open dialogues during conflicts (Göker & Bozkus, 2017).
Controlling my attitudes in the situation could have triggered better outcomes.
I noticed that I was so invested in myself that I did not consider my surroundings as I should have.
In the future, I will develop a more open attitude toward conflict resolution. That can happen by swiftly engaging others during a conflict resolution endeavor.
Day 2:
Situation: Leading a Project
I was a leader in a team that was supposed to deliver a project within a tight deadline. With the pressure increasing, I became more individualistic and abandoned my normal l...
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