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Opinions on presentations and course material

Essay Instructions:
The final essay has 3 parts: 1--Please review the 15 presentations that were given this semester. If you were updating CHE 300 for next year, which of these presentations would you be sure to include again and which ones would you leave out? Please provide a brief explanation of why you chose these particular presentations, commenting specifically on how you did (or didn't) benefit from the presentation. Also, are there any topics that we didn't cover that you think should be included in a future offering of this course?(i picked 2 slides to discuss so you don't need the other 15 and you don't have to recommend any topics) 2--CHE 300 is intended as a Professional Development seminar. If you look back at the first presentation, one of the definitions of Professional Developmnent states that it "comprises the acquisition and development of the specialist knowledge and skills, and their practical application, that are needed to practice as an engineer. It bridges the gap between your educational base and attaining professional qualifications." How well do you feel that CHE 300 met this goal of providing some initial professional development?(opinion only) 3--One of the requirements for an accredited engineering degree is that programs must produce students who "recognize the need for lifelong learning". Wikipedia defines lifelong learning as "the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons." Do you feel that CHE 300 was effective in helping you recognize the need for lifelong learning?(opinion on course)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question one
I would be including the presentations on Teamwork and Environment and energy in the subsequent classes. This is because the presentation of teamwork lays emphasis how a good team is successful in the work environment. The importance of recognizing other people’s social and cultural values besides personalities is also demonstrated. This is helpful as it enables one to adapt to different cultures for an organization’s efficiency. The energy and environment presentation is of great importance because of the initiatives it has in relation to environment conservation. Carbon footprints should be reduced as energy supplies are expanded. An option is given where algae can be used to produce biofuels. Similarly, corn used to produce bio fuels, can be used to feed human beings.
Question two
Chemistry 300 was very useful in my career development. At the beginning of the course, the presentation highlighted the ...
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