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Collaborative learning

Essay Instructions:
Working on your own, you are required to prepare a draft essay of approximately 1000 words (5 paragraph essay) on the following topic: Collaborative learning is commonly used as a form of assessment in Australian universities; however, this approach is often regarded as challenging for both students and tutors. Define collaborative learning, briefly outline its merits and discuss three factors which can impact on EITHER the success or failure of this philosophy. You are required to use the recommended journal article and locate and use at least three (3) additional academic sources as the basis of your research for the essay. The recommended journal article is: Davies, W.M. (2009). Groupwork as a form of assessment: common problems and recommended solutions in Higher Education, volume 58, pages 563-584. You will be able to locate the article by using Proquest. My sources need to be used from the proquest database. To log in you must go to this website: http://portal(dot)qibt(dot)qld(dot)edu(dot)au/ My login information is: username: asalc1201 password: LL9green Under the learning at QIBT link it will drop down to more links, choose proquest. Each source must be a scholarly journal. The 4 sources are the compulsory one in the description, and 3 others of your choosing. Thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Collaborative Learning
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Collaborative Learning can be defined as an educational approach to learning and teaching whereby, a group of students work together to solve a particular problem, creating a product or completing a certain task. Collaborative learning is based on the assumption that learning is naturally a social act whereby, the participants converse amongst themselves. It is through the discussion that learning occurs. Collaboration or cooperation is a strategic mode that encourages students to working together in micro groups so as to achieve a common goal. Handrabura (2003) observes that collaboration is a type of relation amongst students that includes the solutions of some issues of common interest with those involved contributing effectively.
Collaboration is a common term that is in use in the modern educational sphere. However, the nature of this collaboration and the opportunities it offers are in most cases assumed by practitioners. The operational level in most cases happens to be the most problematic phase of its development. Boreham’s (2000) argues that collaboration process is more complicated than what it may appear at first. Sharing Knowledge collaboratively could play a crucial role for members when they contribute positively on their development in comparison to individual persons. The necessity of collaboration in learning is emphasized when its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats are analyzed.
The potential of Collaborative Learning
The significance of collaborative learning is rooted in its potential for a meaningful learning as well as social interaction. Many researchers and theorists such as Vygotsky (1986), Lave & Wenger, (1991), and (Geelan, 1997), have emphasized on the significance of social interaction in learning. According to Vygotsky’s proposal, learning mostly occurs in a social context before it becomes internalized within a category of interpsychology (Vygotsky, 1986). The author further articulates that the social cultural approach to class room learning situation facilitates the development of an integrated theory of learning and teaching that offers practicing teachers theoretical framework in their teaching practice. The basic concept in Vygotskian theory is based on the relationship of the teacher and student.
Majority of the more modern theorists postulate that knowledge is built by the students through collaboration with their colleagues or teachers (Bruffe, 1993). For instance, personal constructivism theory holds that meaning can not be transferred from one individual to another by the use of mere words; rather, it must be abstracted from the experience of an individual. The social constructivism on the other hand posts that although the thoughts of the learners are private, the concepts are public (Matthews, 1994). Contradicting the cognitive or personal constructivism, the theory of social constructivism emphasizes on an individual in social interactions.
There is a popular assumption that the potential cognitive advantages of small group learning are mostly likely to be achieved in asocial context that is characterized by mutual trust, group cohesiveness as well as emotional security. That kind of explicit attention on the social attention to the emotional and social aspects of a group collaboration is influential in nurturing social support and emotional ties amongst the colleagues and the peer issues that are known for having crucial impact with regard to the student learning. Consequently, an individual’s sense of responsibility is increased when every member is offered an important and specified function to play so as to realize a common goal or product. Other significance of this type of learning is that it enhanc...
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