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Essay Instructions:
I need an essay written using this thesis: "Staff non-commissioned officers play a crucial role in fostering resilience in the Marine Corps by enacting leadership principles, providing mentorship, and cultivating an environment that promotes adaptability and resilience, preparing Marines to confront military and personal challenges". I want at least two references to justify the claim in the thesis.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of a Marine NCO in Promoting Resilience in Fellow Officials Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Introduction The Staff non-commissioned officers (SNCOs) are integral to the armed forces, serving as role models for the trained and under-trained officers and soldiers in multiple ways. SNCOs unlike NCOs of the armed forces of other countries, SNCOs of the Marine Corps take part in duties that are usually the prerogative of commissioned officers (Garamone, 2019). Along the same lines, by setting examples of how to face the hardship of wars and military operations, SNCOs foster resilience in the under-training Marine Corps members (Guigni, 2023). These soldiers set examples for under-training commissioned officers and soldiers to help them follow standards and rules as per requirement (Moyer, n.d.). These aspects of FSNCOs’ of the US Marine Corps have made critics claim that NCOs, like those working in the US Marine Corps, are born leaders as they have inherent leadership skills to cultivate traits like adaptability and resilience. The following discussion, therefore, aims to evaluate how SNCOs contribute to the US Marine Corps by fostering resilience in staff in various ways. Discussion The role of SNCOs in the Marine Corps is ubiquitous and most effective as they are involved in virtually all operations in various regions of the world. For the same reason, they have the expertise, skills, and experience to fight effectively in varied terrains under variegated circumstances (Moyer, n.d.). This ideal feature of SNCOs is attributed to their ability to progress, evolve, and adapt to varying roles and responsibilities. Hence, a tactical SNCO can adapt to the role of a strategic SNCO (Moyer, n.d.). Henceforth, Marine SNCOs set a precedent of adaptability for others to follow. Another crucial feature of the SNCO of the US Marine Corps is their ability to establish a stable and effective communication system among different tiers of command and control. By bridging the link in communication between commands and commissioned and other Marine officials, SNCOs facilitate open and honest communication, which makes soldiers more compliant, aware, and dutiful (Moyer, n.d.). This aspect makes their role in the Marine Corps more inclined toward heading other soldiers in professional communication. By following their professional life, other soldiers can learn how to work professionally in high-stress environments, an important aspect of resilience. Unlike other countries, the SNCOs of the US Marine Corps are highly empowered; for the same reason, they are equipped with the leadership skills necessary to promote leadership principles in other officials. These SNCOs are trained to receive orders, understand the viability of implementing these orders based on the available resources, and accomplish the given objectives (Garamone, 2019). These features of the professional life of SNCOs clarify how their profession serves as an example of the enactment of leadership principles. These leadership skills facilitate the development of resilience in other officials. Mentoring and leadership are crucial in developing professional skills and leadership capabilities in under-training and trained soldiers. In this regard, the ro...
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