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Effective Instructional Strategies

Essay Instructions:
DUE May 31 Attention to student and teachers’ backgrounds and prior knowledge helps focus curriculum content for all learners. For this assignment, you will secure permission and set up a time to conduct a qualitative interview session with at least one veteran instructor on rigorous and appropriate technology, resources, and instructional materials to engage learners. Step 1. Plan Secure permission and set up a time to conduct a qualitative interview session with a veteran instructor (15+ years’ experience) on rigorous and appropriate technology, resources, instructional materials, and management strategies to engage all learners. This instructor should have a cultural background different from your own. Step 2. Analyze Analyze valid and reliable ways to word interview questions. One resource is linked on the Learning Objects page. Step 3. Compose Compose open-ended interview questions related to selecting resources, technology, and materials, and establishing classroom management strategies for a rigorous and appropriate curriculum. Questions should essentially ask how an educator uses techniques and resources to: Foster student knowledge of self and others; Elevate student ability to work toward common objectives; Enhance appreciation of diversity and similarities among cultures; Cultivate empathy and cooperative behavior; Promote respect for other cultures and values, and Increase the ability to resolve conflict through dialogue. To honor the time of your interviewee, your interview should take no more than 30 minutes, so prioritize your questions. Step 4. Conduct Conduct an interview using your open-ended questions from Step 3. Conclude your interview within 30 minutes, and send your interviewee a note of thanks as follow-up. Step 5. Assess Construct a figure (such as a graph, table, chart) which visualizes your interview analysis and assesses qualitative results which are process-focused as opposed to product-focused. Align your findings with key conclusions from “Education: The Necessary Utopia” in The Treasure Within: Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century (pp. 13-35) Step 6. Write Write a best-practices guide of at least 5pages (not including title and reference pages) for novice teachers to direct their selection of resources, technology, materials, and classroom management strategies for a rigorous and appropriate curriculum for all learners. Include a title page, your figure from Step 4, and references page. Attach the interview questions and a transcript of responses as an appendix. CLIENT UPGRADE+++++ This is the link to “education: The Necessary Utopia” in The Treasure Within: Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on education for the Twenty-first Century (pp. 13-35) https://www(dot)nzdl(dot)org/cgi-bin/library?e=d-00000-00---off-0cdl--00-0----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-------0-0l--11-en-50---20-about---00-0-1-00-0--4----0-0-11-10-0utfZz-8-10&cl=CL1.73&d=HASH01bbbd7a365cb27ad89b39a1.2&gt=1
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Best practices guide for novice teachers to direct their selection of resources, technology, materials, and classroom management strategies for a rigorous and appropriate curriculum for all learners. Name: Institutional affiliation: Course: Date: Introduction “…learning throughout life makes it possible to organize the various stages of education to provide for passage from one stage to another and to diversify the paths through the system while enhancing the value of each” (Learning: The Treasure Within (UNESCO, 1996)) Given the increasing cultural and educational diversities in classrooms across the United States, teachers are challenged to design and implement culturally appropriate instructional practices that not only align with the state standards but also address cultural differences among diverse learners. In doing so, the teachers must cultivate a learning environment in which diverse learners are not only accepted but also encouraged to work hard to achieve their best potential (Hamilton & Astramovich, 2016). This best-practices guide is intended to help novice teachers make the right decisions on which resource, technology, and instructional materials to adopt to develop a challenging yet effective teaching and learning environment that guarantees learning to all students. Summary of Interview In an interview with one of the experienced teachers who has been teaching for more than two decades in high school as an English and social studies teacher, there were relevant points that came up about developing a rigorous and appropriate curriculum for all learners. Having taught in both city and country schools, the teacher stressed the need to use materials familiar to the learners. For example, incorporating multicultural literature ensures that the learners embrace the content through the lens of Diversity. More so, the instructor admitted the usefulness of contemporary technology and platforms like Google Classroom in helping with organization, coordination, and collaboration among diverse learners. through technological methods and other strategies, every learner's unique culture can be embraced and celebrated. As such, some of the approaches that teachers ought to consider according to my interviewee include strategic use of multimedia resources, inviting guest speakers, and the use of current affairs to address cultural concerns in the classroom. Accordingly, for a teacher to promote empathy and cooperation, there is a need to incorporate diverse literature, roleplays, and group discussions in which students are challenged to think from another learner’s perspective while being collaborative. Finally, the instructor offered suggestions for managing conflict, including lessons in listening, assertiveness, and problem-solving strategies based on restorative justice approaches. These methods assist the students in solving issues and problems through discussions and understanding, hence creating a healthy learning atmosphere. Selected Best Practices Selecting and Using Relatable Learning Materials Accordingly, making learning fun and exciting as well as making diverse learners feel valued, starts with the selection and adoption of books and content that the students can relate to in terms of their backgrounds. This should involve using books, articles, as well as multimedia where characters and situations portrayed reflect cultural diversity (Carter & Darling-Hammond, 2016). In this way, students learn that something in the curriculum applies to them, which may help improve their engagement with what they are studying. In addition, allowing students to tell their stories and explain their experiences through classroom assignments and tasks such as writing personal narratives or openly discussing the material fosters an inclusive learning environment. The use of relatable materials enables the students to understand one another’s backgrounds, thus promoting tolerance and understanding, which over time translates to improved academic performance. Utilizing Technology for Collaboration Diverse learners can greatly benefit from using technology especially because it enhances communication and collaboration of students, particularly in a world where digital technology is taking over. Accordingly, the usage of tools such as Google Classroom allows learners to carry out projects in groups where necessary, submit their work online, and give and receive feedback immediately. These tools are particularly helpful in effective collaboration during and after school, helping students connect with peers and instructors whenever they want (Howard & Aleman, 2008). Other online tools that can be incorporated for learning include the use of digital whiteboards, game-based learning platforms such as Kahoot, learners’ forums, and web conferencing for increased interaction. Put together, these special technologies serve to close the gap between face-to-face and online students as it allows all students to have equal opportunities to benefit from the learning process. Promoting Cultural Awareness As quoted, “Education is at the heart of both personal and community development; its mission is to enable each of us, without exception, to develop all our talents to the full and to realize our creative potential, including responsibility for our own lives and achievement of our aims” (Learning: The Treasure Within,” UNESCO, 1996). As such, enabling every learner without exception starts with strategies such as introducing documentaries, podcasts, and virtual field trips into the lesson plan to help diverse learners grasp different cultures and historical backgrounds. Unlike other forms of media, podcasts...
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