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A History of American Schooling Education Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This midterm exam consists of a single 4-5 page essay summarizing major changes in American schooling from the Colonial Era to the 1970s, written in the style of historical fiction.

For the essay, you should adopt the persona of a girl or boy of either age eight or fifteen and discuss his/her educational experiences at four time points in American history:

1750, 1850, 1915 and 1965 (must be include these year)

In addition to (1) age and (2) gender, you will need to flesh out the child's identity in terms of (3) race/ethnicity/national origin; (4) location and (5) means of livelihood of the family. Please not that 3-4 can change over time and 5 must, in relation to changes in American society.

For each of the four dates specified above, please summarize the child's engagement in schooling and other major sources of education that the child experiences.

Midterm essay

Midterm essay

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1750

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1850

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1915

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1965

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing mechanics

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Extra credit

You can earn up to five points additional for good writing style.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 105.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A History of American Schooling
A History of American Schooling
The Colonial Era, 1750
“Hurry up, we will be late,” shouted James, my elder brother. In the distance, I could see smoke rising from the chimney of the school room. It was just a few hundred meters away, but it felt like miles. My body was still aching as a result of the spanking I received the day before. Each step was excruciating as my body screamed at me to stop. It was one of the bad days. A few minutes later we arrived at the school late, and the teacher was already teaching. It was a one-room building with a chimney and a fireplace in the center. We stood at the door waiting for him to permit into the class. My body was shaking; the thought of a whipping frightened me. Luckily, he let us in with a warning.
As a teenage son of a planter, my father sent me (and my brother) to school to expand on the basics he had taught us before joining the school and learn social, moral rights to become responsible citizens in colonial New England. A few of our classmates were lucky as their wealthy fathers would soon send them to boarding schools in England for higher education. Reading materials were scarce as there were only three books in the school, The New England Primer (which the teacher used to teach us alphabet syllables and prayers), the Bible and a hornbook. The subjects we studied included math, science, Latin, Greek, celestial navigation (navigating ships by the stars) and social etiquette, fencing, history, geography and plantation management. I always enjoyed my evenings, shared what I learned at school with my sister. The common topics between us were French and social etiquette; her other subjects were nursing, cooking, weaving, spinning, needlework.
I loved Mr. Hendricks, out teacher. He had answers for everything; I secretly wished to become a teacher one day. He was kind, fun and caring. However, he was strict and ruthless at punishing bad behavior. I was always on the receiving end of his spanking, whipping, sitting in a corner or worse the whispering stick. After my school days, I will surely miss him.
The Common Schools, 1850
It was around midday, one lesson to lunch break. I accidentally dropped my pencil, and when I kneeled under the locker to pick it, a woman’s voice filled the classroom, “Good morning class.” “Good morning madam,” we replied, all eyes glued to her in surprise. “Am Mrs. William, your new English teacher,” she continued. That morning our class did not attend the morning parade, we were on cleaning duties at the opposite end of the school compound; unknown to us we missed her introduction. She was the first female teacher in the history of John B. Cary’s academy. Rumors of having female teachers circulated in the past year, but having one in front of us were unbelievable. I could sense the excitement in the other girls, at last, we had one of our own, a person who could understand our feelings, fears, and joys. Throughout the lesson everyone was lively, I was not even tempted to take my usual nap. When the bell rang, I felt as if the bell ringer’s clock had skipped some minutes. It was the best lesson ever, not because of English, but because a door of opportunity and hope for women in the teaching profession finally opened. At lunch, the rest of the day and for most of the week Mrs. William featured in most of our conversations.
The Introduction of Vocational Training, 1915
It was a cold morning in the fall of 1915, my mother and I stood at the bus stop anxiously waiting for the school bus. It was going to high school for the first time. I barely slept the previous night, expecting the day. In my childhood days I got used to the two-horsepower school bus, but that day it was different; I was to begin using the motorized bus. The thought of high school made me excited, particularly the introduction of vocational training. I could picture myself as a mechanic dismantling the engine of a car and assembling it. Was I dreaming too big? Only the future could tell. One by one people trickled at the bus stop, office workers, factory workers, and other children. All of a sudden came the roaring noise; the children got excited, I guess it was the school bus approaching. Out of the bend, it emerged, and as it slowly h...
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