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Midterm Exam American schooling from the Colonial Era to the 1970s

Essay Instructions:

This midterm exam consists of a single 4-5 page essay summarizing major changes in American schooling from the Colonial Era to the 1970s, written in the style of historical fiction.

For the essay, you should adopt the persona of a girl or boy of either age eight or fifteen and discuss his/her educational experiences at four time points in American history:

1750, 1850, 1915 and 1965

In addition to (1) age and (2) gender, you will need to flesh out the child's identity in terms of (3) race/ethnicity/national origin; (4) location and (5) means of livelihood of the family. Please not that 3-4 can change over time and 5 must, in relation to changes in American society.

For each of the four dates specified above, please summarize the child's engagement in schooling and other major sources of education that the child experiences.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1750

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1850

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1915

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1965

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing mechanics

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Extra credit

You can earn up to five points additional for good writing style.

5.0 pts

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Midterm Exam American schooling from the Colonial Era to the 1970s
Changes in American schooling from the Colonial Era to the 1970s
In addition to (1) age and (2) gender, you will need to flesh out the child's identity in terms of (3) race/ethnicity/national origin; (4) location and (5) means of livelihood of the family. Please not that 3-4 can change over time and 5 must, in relation to changes in American society.
As a fifteen-year-old Negro in Colonial South Carolina, there were few opportunities to learn, while living in the plantation, but missionaries played an import role. Education was the basic reading and writing, which would enable my age mates and I, to read the bible as preaching the gospel became more popular. Despite my immediate and extended family being in slavery there was increased support for instruction in religion in 1750, and this was an opportunity for me to be away from the fields, even as I could not do hard manual labor. However, even as we all spoke English, easier to understand the mission teachers who had interacted with slaves for longer.
While the whites enjoyed freedom at the expense of slavery, my parents indicated that there were likely more assimilated slaves than before. Nonetheless, there was still interaction that blacks influenced the white folkways and religious beliefs. While I could not say how colonies and regions where black history was influenced by interactions between whites and blacks, but even then the education and enlightenment were linked to social class since the freedmen were more likely to gain educational privileges (Cornelius, 1999). Nonetheless, education was still limited to religion, and there were more fears that servile insurrection would disrupt the plantation system. My parents were bound in slavery, but as I was allowed to learn appreciated the opportunity regardless of all the restrictions in movement, freedom and what I and other Negroes would learn.
The Negro Act of 1740 in South Carolina had been adopted in response to a slave rebellion in 1939 and made it illegal to teach slaves to read and writer, but I was lucky enough to learn. The presence of free persons of color was essential in my learning as then there is less need for supervision of the learning process as was the case when the whites oversaw the process. Education was linked to religious or social purposes, but there were still fears of slave rebellions that the white freedoms were restricted, and there were more controls on the purchase of slaves.
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