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Children with special needs. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Mona is a kindergarten teacher. Her principal has just told her that a student is moving into her classroom next week. The child has ADHD and will be accompanied by an aide. This is her first experience with a child with ADHD and with having an aide in her classroom. Focus on the following:

1. What Mona should know about ADHD in a 5 to 6 year old child? ( 1 page)

2. How should Mona prepare other children in the class ?...starting the class, during the class and ending the class

( 0.5 page)

3. Mona's teaching-learning methods prepared for the ADHD child? ( 4 pages)

4. What can Mona do to develop an effective working relationship with the aide?

(0.5 page)

An aide is a teaching assistant.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
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What Should Mona Know About ADHD?
Attention, Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is one of the most common mental disorders that affect both children and adults. The affected children are unable to control their actions well as compared to the children that are not diagnosed with the disorder. Mona should understand that the disorder can affect children, teenagers and also go into adulthood. Given the fact that a five to six-year-old child is still in the process of developing and discovering the new things in their world, then the disorder displays various symptoms that affect both their school and home life. However, with the right directions, teachers and aides have mastered how to deal with such students. The process of interacting with them should incorporate a way of coping with the ADHD symptoms to ensure that they do not feel discriminated and, that, it does not interfere with the performance of the rest of the students.
Therefore, Mona should be aware of the various symptoms that are expressed by the ADHD student because they remain to be the aspects of consideration when teaching the student. Their symptoms have an impact on the whole class. Among the common symptoms is that the student may be easily distracted by activities in the classroom that would normally not shift the attention of the other students. This means that she would have to be careful about noticing the small distractions that might have an impact on the student. As well, this is accompanied by the student being poor in paying attention, and, hence, in most cases, they don't finish the classroom tasks that were allocated to them. An ADHD student will also be prone to making careless mistakes even after the teacher has corrected them several times regarding the same mistake (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2018). The fact that they cannot pay close attention leads Mona into understanding that the student will have a great challenge in the accomplishment of tasks that will require them to sit still. They have a lot of urge to move around hence enhancing their inability to pay attention and focus on routine tasks.
As well, the ADHD student finds it a challenge to play quietly and, therefore, Mona Should expect the student to climb on chairs, run around the classroom carelessly and often bounce while the sited down. Such behavior could be a distraction to the rest of the students, and hence, she should have a strategy of dealing with it. The student will tend to talk a lot and, this can be expressed in the classroom by their behavior of bursting out answers before the teacher can call them out to answer, having a challenge of waiting for their turn to carry out a certain activity as well as interrupting other in the classroom. She should also know that the disorder does not have a treatment and can progress into adulthood. However, with the help of an aide, the ADHD symptoms can be managed at a great level to ensure that the student does not feel discriminated but, rather, fits in the class of the students that do not have the disorder. Therefore, Mona should be prepared to deal with the symptoms and be able to engage the rest of the students to ensure that the student with the ADHD disorder does not them hence affecting their academic performance (Re, Lovero, Cornoldi & Passolunghi, 2016).
How Mona Should Prepare Other Students in the Class
In regard to the preparation of the students, Mona will have to warn the rest of the students about making any distractions during the class time because it would turn out to be a challenge getting the ADHD student to pay attention again. This can be done by writing the ADHD rules that needs to be observed on the board. This way, every student will be in a position to remember each one of them to avoid impeding the learning process of the ADHD student. During the class, Mona should ensure that there is enough space for movement in the event whereby they will be dealing with an activity that requires the students to move from their sitting positions. As well, a sitting space will be created at the front row to ensure that the student sits at a position whereby they will not easily be distracted. Mona will also be required to inform the students about the special needs of the student that is about to join them and, hence, require each one of them to support the ADHD with the classwork whenever necessary. The other students will also be required to interact with the new student and be patient with their behavior. During the end of the class, Mona will come up with a strategy of ensuring that the students have monitored what will be required of them during the next lesson. This will help the ADHD student in memorizing simple classroom tasks and assignments that they tend to forget. The other students will be encouraged to great one another by name, and this will create a sense of acceptance in the new environment. It will also help the students to interact with one another freely.
Monas Teaching Methods Prepared For the ADHD Child
Mona has to ensure that all the students are on the same page of the syllabus. Therefore, her initial preparation for the ADHD student is the modification of her assignments. Given the fact that the ADHD student has challenges of paying attention, then it means that they will not be in a position to understand what Mona teaches at the same rate as the rest of the students. Therefore, evaluating them using the same tests would be unfair for the ADHD student. Mona will be keen on offering shortened tests with a longer deadline as compared to that of the other students. This will provide the student with adequate time to come up with the correct answers. As well, it will be a great tip for teaching the student on how to master their assignments because they have a low ability to pay attention. The short assignments will also encourage them in paying attention to the learning process because they will have realized how easy and interesting it is. In addition, the student will also be given different deadlines and grades for the long-term assignments. To ensure that they do not forget about the assignment, the long-term projects will be segmented into sections that the aide ought to in agreement with. The aide will play a substantial role in helping the ADHD student with the assignment and, therefore, they ought to be aware of the various segments and the dates that they should be submitted. However, Mona ought to ensure that the deadlines and grades are not very different from those of the other students because the progress of the student will be measured by comparing it to that of the other students. An improvement in the different assignments will be an indication that the students are working hard and that their symptoms are improving because they will be able to pay attention to what is being taught.
As well, Mona will make classroom rules that will help the rest of the student in being a good example to the new students. The rules will be posted on the board to ensure that the students can review them at any given time. Kindergarten students are still young and, therefore, the rules should be written in simple terms that are easy to understand. As well, the rules should depict an engagement instead of stating something that the students should do. For instance, in the case whereby Mona wants to develop a rule preventing the children from making noise in class, she should rather instruct them to work on an assignment. Telling kindergarten students not to talk without giving them an alternative task would be a waste of time because they will be tempted to talk. The student with the ADHD has difficulties in settling down and, therefore, such a rule would be very helpful because it would guide the student to be still like the rest of the class. The quietness would also help them in remembering specific tasks that they had not worked on. In addition, the rules should include the various ways of dealing with ADHD students so as to make the student feel accommodated. Kindergarten students are good at memorizing things, and hence, they will have learned how to interact with the student according to the rules long before they join their class. The rules will also help the new student in easily adapting to the new environment.
Besides, given the fact that the ADHD student has challenges in paying attention, then Mona will have to come up with a strategy of closely monitoring the student in every activity being carried out in the classroom. Among such strategies, is the creation of space at the front row of the class where the student will sit. This will make it easy for her to ensure that the student is doing the right thing at the right time. In addition, sitting close to the instructor will induce some fear into the student hence making them pay attention to what is being taught. This kind of fear is not all bad because it will help in the development of the student's motors hence enabling them to adapt to the new environment whereby they will be obli...
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