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Mathematical Understandings

Essay Instructions:

Hi thank you for writing my second assignment after receiving a pass + for the order number 26937 I'm happy that you do my second assignment as it is very hard to get pass in this Australian Master of Teaching course please try to do very well as I need another pass or better to complete the unit overall. I did attach the lecturers video instruction to this order please take time to listen to her. Take no WIKIPEDIA only academic relevant Reference, and be careful with Deli websites and reference , as the lecturer could smell I use writing services .

1500 words (approx.)
Single sided, 1.5 line spacing, min 12 point font, APA reference style.
50% (both Assessment 1 and 2 must be satisfactorily passed to successfully pass the unit)
1, 2, 3
This assessment task provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of early years mathematical concept development in accordance with contemporary curriculum materials. Work on this task will assist the synthesis of your conceptual and pedagogical early years mathematics knowledge. This assessment assists you to develop capabilities aligned with the ( Australian )Queensland College of Teachers Professional Standards. In particular this assessment addresses the first cluster of teaching standards which focuses on teaching and learning, and the teacher’s role in designing and managing individual and group learning experiences. To create an effective learning experience, attention must be given to safe, supportive and stimulating learning environments, and effective relationships with families and the community must be fostered (Cluster two).

Your Task
Part A: Nominate and explain the conceptual context (approx. 1000 words)
Choose one mathematics strand from mathematics curriculum materials (i.e. ACARA). From this conceptual area choose one concept that you aim to develop.

In Part A you are required to explain and review the concept on which you are focussing. This review will include:
A description of the concept
Prior knowledge that is required by the children
Research literature that discusses the concept in context.
Describe how you would teach the focus concept you have chosen.. This part can be presented in a lesson/teaching plan form. Identify and select teaching and learning strategies that support the development of the mathematics concept. Consider:
Group size
Time required, resources needed (concrete, teacher or aide)
Steps in the process of using the resource to develop the mathematical concept
Teacher modeled language
Questions asked of students and questions students might ask. 
Part B (One resource)
Create one resource that you can use to develop your focus concept. The resource is to be incorporated into the lesson plan developed in Part A. Recall all the resources that you have seen in use in classrooms or in the tutorial room and design your own. When designing your resource consider:
The age of the children for whom you are developing the resource; 
The mathematical focus;
Children’s interests and their attention levels; 
How many instructions would be suitable and how formal or informal the resource should be;
Colour and appeal! 
This resource can be modelled on something you have seen before BUT you must customise the theme and/or design to meet your target audience.

After you have created your resource you are required to photograph/record it and write a description of the resource, making reference to the purpose of the resource and the instructions on how to use it. You are required to submit photos (5 – 10 photos)(I could print the pictures if you send me the pictures to my e mail ) of your resource – please take a range of photos depicting the various aspects of your resource. 

You are not required to submit the actual resource – just the photos/record and written description.

The resource you create might be incorporated into your field experience or as a component of your teaching portfolio.

EAP401 Assessment Two: Professional plan Criteria for Assessment

Demonstrate sound fundamental knowledge of mathematical content, processes and skills through the focus concept and understanding of curriculum requirements. 
15 marks
The nature of focus concept in relation to EC development and current curricula is not clear. 
The nature of focus concept and its contribution to curricula are stated.
The nature of focus concept and its link to EC development and curricula are clearly stated. 
The focus concept is expertly described in accordance with EC development and curricula.
Select and create a resource that meets specified learning goals, curriculum requirements, learning needs, interests and learning styles. Create an engaging age-relevant quality resource. 
15 marks

The resource does not support the focus concept and is inappropriately designed and not engaging.
Resource supports learning objectives and curriculum requirements. Is attractive and appropriate for focus age.
Educational objectives appropriately met through the design of the resource.
Resource is attractive and aim explicit.
Resource and learning focus are highly compatible. Focus concept expertly incorporated into resource. Excellently created, engaging resource.
Identify and select teaching and learning strategies and a resource that support the development of children’s mathematical conceptual knowledge. 
10 marks
Use of resource and associated teaching and learning strategies inadequately and inappropriately described.
Resource use and associated teaching and learning strategies (lesson plan) described adequately. 
Resource use described soundly incorporating a range of relevant pedagogical practices.
Excellent description of the use of the resource considering a range of pedagogical practices such as grouping, language use etc.
Evidence of quality literature sourced.
5 marks
Supporting literature unclear or not related to the topic. 
Too few sources.
Supporting literature is relevant, and limited sources used.
Supporting literature is relevant, of high quality and from a variety of sources.

Relevant current and quality literature used to describe concept using a range of evidence bases.
Correct referencing and written expression. 
5 marks 
Frequent errors in referencing within text and in reference list. Frequent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation.
Occasional errors in referencing within text and in reference list. Occasional errors in grammar and spelling.
Very few errors in referencing within text and in reference list. Very few errors in grammar and referencing.
Consistent, with no errors in referencing within text and in reference list. No errors in grammar or spelling.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Professional Plan) Early Years: Mathematical Understandings
Course title:
(Professional Plan) Early Years: Mathematical Understandings
According to the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (2014), patterns are particularly significant in early mathematics learning since patterns could be creative and fun, and result in a lot of basic ideas. Patterns are everywhere; they can grow or repeat and could be found in shapes. This paper is made up of 2 parts. In Part A, a conceptual context is nominated and explained. One mathematics strand – Number and Algebra – is chosen from the ACARA mathematics curriculum, and once concept – Growing Patterns – is chosen which is explained and reviewed in an in-depth manner. In Part B, one resource is created that is used to develop the focus concept. This resource is incorporated into the lesson plan developed in Part A. After the resource has been created, it is photographed and its description is provided with reference made to the purpose of the resource along with instructions on how to use it.
Part A: Growing Patterns
The chosen mathematics strand from the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is Number and Algebra. From this strand, the chosen concept that I aim to develop is Growing Patterns. By years three and four, ACARA content descriptors stipulate that children should be engaged in describing, continuing, as well as creating number patterns involving straightforward operations using whole numbers, and they explain various patterns with numbers and spot elements which are missing. The appropriate age for the curricular comprises learners from age of 5 to the age of 8 comprising kindergarten to Year 1 students (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2014). The present Queensland preparatory year curriculum, the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines (EYCG) offers educators with a framework for interacting with children. It incorporates proposals for planning, measuring and reflecting on an effective preparatory curriculum.
Warren, Miller & Cooper (2012) stated that growing patterns have discernible units which are usually referred to as terms. Every term within the pattern is dependent on the preceding term and its position in the pattern. A linear growing pattern refers to a pattern which decreases or increases by a constant difference (Saracho & Spodek, 2009). For instance:

In the growing pattern illustrated above, every row is 1 greater compared to the preceding row. It is of note that young learners will strengthen their understanding, as well as their capacity to reason about counting numbers with the use of examples of growing patterns (Roebuck, 2010). A growing pattern will happen whenever something is added every time. There can be a growing pattern with numbers, shapes, objects and pictures (VanDerHeyden et al., 2011). In a growing pattern, something gets added to that pattern. There are 3 types of growing patterns: number patterns, growing shape patterns and growing color patterns. In a growing number pattern, a number gets added each sequence, for instance 1, 1 2, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 5 (Massey & Riley, 2013; McGarvey, 2012). In a growing shape pattern, a shape gets added each sequence. For instance:
In a growing color pattern, a color gets added every sequence, and it can start with only a single color.
Prior knowledge needed: Prior knowledge that is required includes the following: (i) The children should understand repeating patterns; (ii) They are able to do addition and subtraction; (iii) They are able to count on; (iv) Understand the concept of how many more; (v) Can find the dissimilarity between 2 numbers by counting on as well as counting back (Charlesworth & Leali, 2012). The materials required basically include base ten materials or pattern blocks. Growing pattern will not be an introductory lesson since students are required to have prior knowledge of repeating patterns. As such, it is building on knowledge on the kindergarten and Year 1 students aged 5 to 8 years.
Teaching plan: How the concept of Growing Patterns would be taught
1. The learning goals: Students are learning to do the following:
Copy a growing pattern of add one
Expand a particular growing pattern of add one
Communicate their understanding that a growing pattern gets bigger
In essence, the learners will identify a growing pattern and then describe the patterns are grow by how much.
2. Review repeating patterns: the educator reviews the meaning of the words term (every item within a pattern), and pattern (anything that could be predicted). The teacher will write these 2 words on the board. A few repeating patterns will be looked at and learners then asked to predict what the next term would be (Papic, 2009).
3. Introduce growing patterns: the teacher will write: 1, 2, 3, 4 on the board and ask: what is the next number? (5) and the next number after that? (6). The teacher should say that these numbers are not repeating (Linder, Powers-Costello & Stegelin, 2011). The teacher then asks the learners if they think it is still pattern even if it does not repeat. Answers should be taken and learners have to be encouraged to justify. They should be reminded that a pattern is anything which could be foretold (Ladhams, 2010). The teacher should then draw the following picture on the board:

1 2 3 4 5
A question should then be asked to the students by the teacher as pertains to what they can notice of the towers in the pattern: - They are becoming taller, they are growing. What is happening to the numbers in the pattern? – They are getting larger. The teacher then asks: can we conclude that the numbers are also growing? We can conclude that both the shape pattern and the number pattern are growing (McKnight & Mulligan, 2010). The teacher asks: if patterns which repeat are essentially understood as repeating patterns, then what can we call patterns which grow? The teacher should then write growing patterns on the board (McGuire, Kinzie & Berch, 2012).
4. Review the dissimilarity between 2 numbers: the educator reviews the distinction between the number that one has to add to the 1st number in order to get the 2nd number. Write on the board. For instance, how much should one add to 2 in order to get 4? The teacher should demonstrate this by counting up on her/his fingers (Burgess, 2011).
4. Extending growing number patterns: the educator needs to ask the learners to identify the next number in the pattern 2, 4, 6, 8 and to explain their answer (10 since 2 is the magic number and 10 is 2 more than 8).
5. Other growing patterns: the teacher should draw a straightforward growing pattern with the use of letters or shapes as shown below:
Ab, Abb, Abbb, Abbbb

The teacher should then ask for a volunteer to extend the pattern. The teacher then points out that just as 2 is added to every term in the number pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, something is added in order to get each next term in other growing patterns (Mulligan et al., 2010).
6. Activity: The teacher should give learners base 10 materials or pattern blocks of similar shape and then ask them to make a growing pattern. The teacher should have them record their work and encourage them to describe the way in which the pattern grows (Dunphy, 2009). Learners can also record the number o...
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