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Lesson Plan and Outdoor Activity

Essay Instructions:

Final Exam Paper

Just because an activity takes place outside, that does not make it an outdoor recreation activity (Cordes & Hutson, 2015).

The purpose of this assignment is to provide insight and understanding into what constitutes an outdoor recreation experience. Just because an activity occurs in the out-of-door, that does not automatically qualify as an outdoor recreation experience. The focus is the activities related to nature. Golf, tennis, football, motocross, shooting range, or visiting a zoo would not qualify as an outdoor recreation experience because the environment is artificial and nature plays a minimal role

The complete(7) seven full pages assignment must be in a paragraph (not an outline) format and contain the following information:

Name of the area (trail, park, etc.) and the agency that manages the resource where the activity took place (Cite this source in your text and References);

Type of event;

Reason for selecting the activity;

Duration of the activity (identify travel time and actual time in the activity);

Social setting (with friends, strangers, or alone);

Benefit(s) derived from the activity to the student.

Cost of the activity direct (gas, food, etc.) and indirect (equipment, training, etc.).

Include at least two (2) references for this assignment. The minimum references would be the textbook and the web site for the managing agency of the area you visited. References are listed alphabetically.

Length: (7) seven full double-spaced pages (including the Title page and References page) include at least two references The references should include the class textbook and the land management agency web site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lesson Plan and Outdoor Activity
[Institutional affiliation]
It is an admitted fact that the nature is one of the first and most reliable teachers of the human kind. The current research is focused on the development of basic scientific and cognitive skills in the school children. The students are encouraged to see the plant growth by visiting a nearby state or nationally administrated park and study the plantation and its nutrition for themselves. The second phase involves the plantation of the plants at the hands of the students and making them responsible for their growth and nutrition. The planned activity is achieved to facilitate the basic understanding and development of the plants, their creation, and nutrition factors in the children.
Lesson Plan and Outdoor Activity
The ultimate objective and associated outdoor activity are all about educating the students about one of the first creatures of the nature they came into interact “plants”. The learning activity consists of two parts one is the classroom activity transferring basic scientific knowledge regarding plants and their growth to the students (Yıldırım & Akamca 2017). The second phase includes a visit to the nearby national state-run park and allows the students to practically observe the plants and the teach them about the lessons taught to them in the classroom activity and then asking them to plant a tree or flower plan for themselves. The major motivation behind the selection of the “plants” and associated outdoor activity is the fact that the “plants” are one of the first outdoor creatures of natures which fascinate the children from their early childhood (Yıldırım & Akamca 2017).
The lesson plan starts with the general introduction of the plants, flowers, their growth, and elements required for their nutrition. The basic objective to achieve in this activity to make students aware of one of the beautiful creatures of nature and basic scientific principle associated with them. The teachers can easily teach the students about the role of core components involved in the plant growth which are seeds, stems, the role of appropriate water and air supply, and the role of sunlight in the nutrition of the plants the lesson plan can be represented by the following figure:
00Explaining seed’s roleThe role of waterGrowing of plantThe sunlight’s rolePresenting Pictures of PlantsEvaluating FeedbackIntroducing the plants to studentsExplaining seed’s roleThe role of waterGrowing of plantThe sunlight’s rolePresenting Pictures of PlantsEvaluating FeedbackIntroducing the plants to students
Figure 1: Flowchart of the lesson plan.
The teachers must be able to emphasize the basic role of the components involved in the plant growth and nutrition to every student involved in the classroom activity. After using several visual aids and pictures the students can effectively about the fascinating plants surrounding them. The need and importance of the plants and their role in the delicate ecosystem of the world can also be explained to the students. For instance, the students can be taught that the food chain is heavily dependent on the plants and their consumption. Even the clothes they are wearing are due to natural plants like cotton or wool obtained from the sheep which consume plantation for their nutritional requirements. Most of the children at the young start to consume fruits like apples, bananas, and mangos. The figure as depicted below can facilitate the students about the natural creation of the commonly used fruits.
Figure 2: Banana Figure (Yıldırım & Akamca 2017).
The next phase is planning and executing an outdoor activity aimed at increasing the students’ cognitive understanding of the plants. There are two parts of the outdoor activity which is to visit a state or federally administrated mark and facilitate the children about their learning of the plants and other elements of nature being exhibited there (PBS, 2017). The fuel and associated expenses play a vital role in the planning of the outdoor activity. The teacher must be able to review the map or any available information on the facility available online or shared by the authorities. Some of national and state-sponsored parks offer a pre-trip visit to their facilities for the teachers to understand the layout and potential learning activities within their vicinity. The teachers also require to conduct basic risks and benefits analysis associated with the potential destination of the trip and prepare a checklist for trip preparations (PBS, 2017). The central meeting points should be planned. Moreover, first aid kits should be carried alongside other necessary materials for the trip. It is always recommended to carry an extra bag of supplies in case of emergency use or limit the impact of inconveniences during the trip. A conventional checklist for developed for the teachers is represented in the following text box:
890039293527Discuss the purpose of the field trip and how it relates to the current unit of study.Introduce visual observation skills. Let students describe in detail ordinary objects, like a paper clip, paintbrush, clothespin, or comb to their classmates.Introduce vocabulary words that will be used by docents during the tour.Show photographs or posters of the field trip site or related to exhibits that will be viewed.Assign students "specialists" roles in one aspect of the topic that they will be studying during the field trip. Students could be grouped in different subject areas related to the field trip topic to research (e.g., history, art, religion, science, environment, etc).Explore the Website of the location you will be visiting.As a class brainstorm a set of standards of conduct for the trip and discuss suggested spending money, lunch plans, appropriate clothing to wear for the trip including gear for rainy weather.Discuss with students how to ask good questions and brainstorm a list of op...
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