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Interview A Parent Of A Young Child With A Disability

Essay Instructions:

First to make an interview, can choose to make up an interview for early childhood educators, can also choose to make a interview for parents with disabled children, early childhood educators and parents with disabled children choose a, I put to early childhood educators to ask questions and to parents with disabled children to ask questions are listed out, to make up the answer to every question, then according to the answers and combined with the five sources to write this essay, if you want to interview a disabled children's parents,

According to the answer, write three points and combine five sources to write this essay.

This essay takes up a lot of points, please kindly and hard!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interview a parent of a young child with a disability.
Describe the path the parent followed in obtaining early intervention services and/or inclusive education for their child.
The parent realized the child would be living with a disability when he was very young. Parents have a crucial role to play. On the one hand, normalizing and on the other using all the resources to facilitate early childhood development. The parent sought the advice of early childhood educators, before the child entered formal schooling and shared information with other parents as member of a support group to better understand if their children are well placed to cope in the new environments.
What resources did they access to receive the required supports for their child and family?
Information on community resources, some learning resources and materials was valuable to improve knowledge and inclusion.
How did the parents advocate for their child? If not, why not?
The parents sought information to facilitate decision making and showed willingness to promote inclusion and sought to influence policy change to ensure the programs high quality and inclusive.
What services would the family still like to be able to access?
Accessing public services, getting more information from education institutions and involvement in the community programs are essential. Improving children’s accessibility to school-age programs provides extra support to facilitate and improve participation (Prendergast, 2016).
Write a report to an EarlyOn Child and Family Centre advocating for support for these parents. Support your position by describing their efforts as advocates for their child. Compare their approach with current research and applied literature on parent advocacy. Provide the parent with a description of resources available in their community which support children with disabilities and their families.
Teachers increasingly require access to relevant information and extra support to facilitate participation and involvement in inclusive education. The parents are involved in facilitating the implementation of high quality inclusive child care and education as they collaborate with stakeholders where possible and support parent advocacy for inclusive education for child with disabilities supports inclusion.
What personal knowledge and skills does the interviewee consider essential for the inclusion of children with disabilities?
The teachers need to have special teaching skills, communicate with the students and collaborate with others making it possible to adapt and modify the courses to meet student needs.
What instructional strategies does the interviewee use in educating young children with disabilities?
The teacher highlighted that specialized instructional skills to support individual learning needs were required, and were acquired through training and teaching experience where it was possible to assess readiness . Adaptation of group activities, colla...
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