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Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference

Essay Instructions:

Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference

Due Saturday 11/10 (Week 2)

While academic gains have been seen in the subject areas of math and the sciences for female students, has this come as the cost of higher academic attainment for male students? Some argue that the gains experienced are due to co-educational settings, while others feel segregated classrooms are necessary to ensure educational equity to both genders.

The authors of your textbook pose the question, “Should schools or classrooms separate students by gender or sexual identities?” (Nelson, Palonshy, & McCarthy, 2013, p. 135). Is this a step in the right direction to remedy gender inequity or will the result be discriminatory practices?

After reading chapter 6 on gender equity and conducting your own research, reflect on the following in a 4- to 5-page scholarly paper:

Although the positions in this chapter allude to the effects that race, class, and ethnicity might have on an individual’s creation of his or her gender identity, they do not discuss those effects in any detail. Consider how the other facets of a person’s identity or situation in life might affect the choices they make about how much or how little to conform to various forms of masculinity or femininity. That is, does a person’s race, class, or gender affect how free people feel they are to deviate from gender stereotypes? Depending on your answers, what kinds of changes to the proposals in this chapter do you think are necessary to create gender equity in schools that takes race, class and ethnicity into consideration? (p. 149)

In your reflection, include your thoughts on:

Should schools or classrooms be separated by gender or sexual identities? Why or why not?

Do you think there would be benefits that are grade/age specific? Explain.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


Nelson, J. L., Palonsky, S. B., & McCarthy, M. R. (2013). Critical issues in education: Dialogues and dialectics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Differences in Education
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Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or accommodating Differences in Education
The idea of educational equality started with the establishment of public schools. These schools were formed to offer settings where citizens in a diverse democracy could gain the skills the required to meet the responsibilities of protecting the rights of all individuals leading to equality in education sectors as submitted by Nelson, Palonsky, and McCarthy (2013). However, the current struggle to act impartially on education only resulted in the further delineation of the inequalities. The paper expresses views based on reading as well as research and exploring factors resulting in some citizen’s feelings concerning the segregation of students by gender.
Concerning the readings as well as research, I do not believe that separating students would be advantageous for them or society. No forced separateness can result in equity (Nelson, Palonsky & McCarthy, 2013). If classrooms or schools were to be divided by gender or sexual identity, it would further allow the differences that increase gender typecasting. When the lawmaking process took place, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments made in 1972, the main argument was that women did not excel because of segregation-based education curriculum and other activities. Male and female students’ school enrollment, as well as scores, are within less than 2 percent of closing the gap that was observed in the past education regimes concerning gender disparities in education sector according to the Office for Civil Rights Department of Education snapshot (2012). Since the adoption of Title X, both girls and boys have improved; therefore, approving my opinion that discrimination in the classroom would adversely affect performance.
One can admit that the past educational approach and gender role shows proof of gender bias based on Nelson, Palonsky & McCarthy’s (2013) description of a person’s biblical understanding. The United States was founded by people who were in search of protection from religious oppression; consequently, it is suitable to surrender to these facts. There was a time when many individuals felt that the quality of education different genders received should not be influenced by biological differences (Nelson, Palonsky & McCarthy, 2013). Courageous efforts made over the years have forced changes, yet currently, people still discuss the issue of inequality.
In spite the adjustments made, the increased outcome for female students, and the number of women pursuing higher education, the issue that gender parity is still a problem only makes me feel that there are some difficulties in the society to adopt a full understanding of the question. Society imp...
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