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Volunteer Community service experience. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Community service experience.

A 1-2-page essay pertaining to your Community service experience containing the information stated bellow will be graded on formatting, thesis statement, answers to the questions asked, quality of information, and grammar.

1. What is the full name and location of the agency, institution, or organization at which you performed your community service?

2. What did you do there? What did the job(s) entail?

3. What was your most memorable moment/event while performing your community service?

4. What was your most unique experience while performing community service?

5. What did you notice concerning the functioning of the agency, institution, or organization;

6. What could be improved upon in the agency, institution, or organization?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Volunteer community service experience
Institutional Affiliation
Giving back to the community is a noble gesture that individuals undertake. In community service, people commit their time and skills to carry out unpaid work to benefit the community or institutions. Working with DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative to provide tutors and mentors for raising the reading level of students from below grade level is a noble idea. It gave me a profound community service experience of working with different people, carry out various activities, making fond memories and helping the organization meet its goal.
What is the full name and location of the organization at which you performed your community service?
I performed my community service at the DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative organization located at 15th St. NW in Colombia Heights (DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative, 2018).
What did you do there? What did the job entail?
I worked at the DC Tutoring and Mentoring initiative as a volunteer. My work entailed several duties. One of my tasks was identifying and signing in volunteers when they came to the organization. The second duty was canvassing for volunteers. With the over sixty thousand students the organization sought to help, they needed more volunteers (DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative, 2018). Thus, for four to five days a week; I visited the farmer’s market, grocery stores, and public events to create awareness about DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative and recruit volunteers. My third duty was tabling of the organization’s initiative on campus. I set up a desk around the student area and encouraged the students to visit my desk, learn about the organization, how they would participate in the initiative and why it was important. My fourth duty was carrying out background research of the program in my campus to determine how much information my fellow students had about the organization and how many were participating. Also, I carried out analysis of all the resources available in the organization such as reading a...
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