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Contemporary Educational Thoughts Week 2

Essay Instructions:

Post to Discussion Board: Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?

Initial Post (Due Week 2) 11/6/18

As you read Part 1 of your text (Nelson, Palonsky, & McCarthy, 2013), you will notice this section contains six issues currently impacting the American education system.

Discuss Chapter 7: New Immigrants and the Schools: Unfair Burden or Business as Usual

Part 1

In a thoughtful and well-developed post, reflect on the following:

• Why did you choose this specific issue?

• Do you think this issue is being appropriately addressed and dealt with by your district and the nation? Explain.

• Which side of the argument do you fall on? Why?

• What do you see as the biggest concern with this issue? Why?

Part 2

Answer the following question that is specific to the issue you chose to address:

• Chapter 7: New Immigrants and the Schools: Unfair Burden or Business as Usual

◦ Nelson, Palonsky, and McCarthy (2013) state, “The children of immigrants are transforming American schools by their unprecedented numbers and sheer diversity” (p. 155). How do you believe American schools are being transformed? What are the advantages and disadvantages to this transformation?

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


Nelson, J. L., Palonsky, S. B., & McCarthy, M. R. (2013). Critical issues in education: Dialogues and dialectics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contemporary Educational Thoughts
Contemporary Educational Thoughts
Schools are meant to serve the interests of the students. However, when we plunge deeper, there are other interests that surround the school board (Nelson, Palonsky and McCarthy, 2013). For instance parents may have a different perspective on how teachers and students view learning. Political influences have an impact on school policies and curriculum. Businesses on the other hand are significant in pumping in finances to the schools.
Part 1
School reforms have been able to focus on different objectives over the years. Most of the implemented reforms focused on addressing the socio-economic problems and promoting democracy and gender equality (“Issues in the U.S Education System/ Boundless Sociology,” n.d.). The reforms have enhanced the ability of students to access education on a diverse background. For instance, the introduction of standardized tests in schools. The tests are used to evaluate the progress of the students and the effectiveness of the teachers. The tests are useful in determining whether the students can progress to the next stage of their edu...
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