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Case Study #7 on Chearyun a 4-year-old Korean girl

Essay Instructions:

Early Childhood Education

Topic: Case Study #7 on Chearyun a 4-year-old Korean girl


In this assignment you will read a case study, then you will read an article, then watch a video, and finally answer a couple of questions.

Step #1: Read the Case Study of Chearyun below:

Chearyun is a 4 year old girl. Her primary language is Korean. Her older brother, Gi, is in the third grade. Her father works as an engineer. Mom was a dentist but gave up her profession when she moved to America. The family moved from Korea for the fathers work exactly 1 year ago. The only one who has any knowledge of the English language in the family is the father, who has limited English skills. However, enough receptive English to build on and to support some basic communication needs.

Chearyun attends a part-time play-based preschool. When her parents drop her off she waves and is heard softly speaking to parents. She has no issues with separation. She quickly enters the playground climbing structure to play but it does not appear that she has a specific playmate but does follow along with others in climbing and sliding in a particular direction. She moves to the outside writing center and she draws shapes of people, trees, flowers and animals. She has strong gross/fine motor skills and she is taller than her peers, eats with chopsticks, smiles at others, and appears aware of her surroundings. She does not shy away but uses pointing, pulling or nodding yes or no to convey a want or need. She appears to follow along with the group transitions easily. She hugs her teachers and stays engaged the majority of her time in the preschool. She does not use expressive language. She does not talk.

On occasion, she has outbursts with loud crying and it usually results in finding out that there was some injustice or injury caused by a peer (i.e. different peer takes toys, pushes, or makes faces). It is difficult to console her and she will usually sob long and hard, resulting in a call to the parents to pick her up early due to emotional distress.

During group times Chaeryun looks at the teacher but often drifts and begins to play quietly on the rug with a little hand toy (pony). She works well in the class and does not take toys or disrupt the play of others. She loves to paint, draw, do puzzles, water play or anything you put in front of her she appears curious and takes initiative.

Step #2: Next, read the article titled “How to Reach Out to Parents of ELLs”. The article is about ideas to support families,

The link to read the article is located here at https://www(dot)colorincolorado(dot)org/article/how-reach-out-parents-ells

Step #3: Visit the website below. Then scroll down and watch the 18 minute video. The video is about exploring some issues that should be explored when working with families of English Language Learners.

The website with the video is located here: https://iris(dot)peabody(dot)vanderbilt(dot)edu/mcontent/young-dual-language-learners-working-with-families/

Step #4: Next, after reading the Case Study on Chaeryun, after reading the article, and after viewing the video now answer the following questions in essay format.

Question #1: Why would it be important to involve Chaeryun’s family in decisions about how to support her language development?

Question #2: What suggestions do you have for working with Chaeryun’s family who are English language learners? Remember the Father is the only one who has any knowledge of English. Discuss how you will work with the father, mother, and the brother?

Question #3: As early childhood teacher how could you best support Chaeryun in both the classroom and outdoor school environment?

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Assignment Guidelines:

• Must be a minimum of 2 full pages

• Should be around two pages.

• Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1-inch margins all around.

• Consider writing one or two paragraphs for each question you respond.

• Make sure your paragraphs have a minimum of 5 sentences.

• Must be in APA 7 format

• Must have at a minimum of at least one APA citation. In this case your citation be from the article or the video. You can include both the article and the video in your responses but just make sure to cite them properly in APA 7 format.

• Must have a reference page. In this case you can have the article or the video or even both as your references but make sure to cite them properly in APA 7 format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case study #7 on Chearyun, a 4-year-old Korean girl
Institutional Affiliation
Course name and number
Date due
The importance of involving Chaeryun’s family in deciding how to support her language development?
It is essential to involve Chaeryun’s family in decision making about her language development because they are her primary support system. To successfully learn English, her family has to understand what is needed of her, the benefit of language development in socializing, and how to support her (National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness, 2015). In this way, her learning English will become much more comfortable as her primary source of care and support actively promote her learning of the new language.
Another reason to involve her family is so they can extend her language development outside the classroom setting. Learning a new language takes practice; thus, Chearyun needs people she is comfortable around to develop this skill. Her family is integral in maintaining her Korean language, which gives her identity and keeps her connected with her family. Also, it helps her become multilingual, which is essential in her learning and cognitive functioning (National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness, 2015). Also, as her family, they know what she is capable of; thus, encouraging and motivating her to learn a new language will be effortless.
Suggestions for working with Chaeryun’s family
One of my suggestions is for the teacher to team up with Chaeryun’s family by encouraging them to participate in her classroom activities. Since the father understands some English, the teacher should encourage him to take a primary role in helping her with school work such as homework, reading stories, and going through the curriculum to learn fast. When it comes to the mum and brother, the teacher should invite them to take a language p...
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