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A Respectful Generation

Essay Instructions:


Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Good parenting and good teaching have something in common. They both aim for loving our children well. Is that a walk in the park all the time? Of course not. If it were, we wouldn’t need courses like this to help us through. The questions you now need to ask yourself are:

What type of parent or teacher would you want to be?

How would you best communicate?

How would you discipline?

Part A

Identify a television show or movie for each of the following:

one that depicts an authoritarian style of parenting

one that depicts an authoritative style of parenting

one that depicts a permissive style of parenting

Explain the effect that each of the three styles has on the children in the show.

Part B

Select one (1) of the communication topics from Chapter 7 (effective communication, reflective listening, problem solving, etc.). Create a parent-friendly flyer describing at least two (2) ways that parents might use your selected communication strategy with young children.

Part C

For the scenario below, determine which type of related consequence is most appropriate. Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your answer, citing your sources.

Scenario: Basilo was pretending to cook dinner in the house area when Salena grabbed a plate away from him and said, “Boys don’t cook.” Basilo replied, “Yes, they do. My daddy cooks!” as he grabbed onto the plate. The children continued their tug-of-war until you intervened.

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A student’s behavior is shaped by many factors, including the home and social environment. The home environment is where an individual first learn the proper conduct and attitude that is acceptable for society. The early behaviors learned are further shaped through the social environment, and the majority of these years are formulated while in school. Thus, making the teachers act as the parents or authority in the student’s second home. As a teacher, it is essential to identify the kind of teacher you want to be to your students because it will also determine how far the students can learn through you as the reinforcement CITATION Ber13 \l 13321 (Bernstein, 2013).
Teacher-Student Relationship
Teachers assume the responsibility of honing the students at school. It is necessary to know what type of teacher one must be. As a mentor, it is best to have a balance of everything. It is also required to understand the teacher’s communication skills and to know the best method to convey his message to the students. By doing this, it will be easier to discipline the students the help them behave acceptably in the future.
Part A. Identifying a television show or movie for each of the following;
Authoritarian Style of Parenting
The authoritarian style of parenting allows the parents to become demanding while forgetting to provide warmth to their children. The parents always condemn the excellent behavior of their kids and rarely give positive reinforcement to support their wishes and personally assessed needs. Parents are ashamed and get infuriated by a stubborn child, even when the arguments of the child are acceptable CITATION Phe05 \l 13321 (Phelan, 2005). An example of this is the 2020 Netflix film, entitled, Work It, where the protagonist is an excellent student who suddenly had a passion for dancing. The protagonist is a bookworm and unbelievably smart student who get straight A’s on her subjects. Her mother wanted her to apply to the best schools in the United States and get a degree that is appropriate for her intelligence. Because of this, the protagonist only has one friend, and she exclusively focuses on serious and adult things while she fails to experience the happy moments of a teen CITATION Ter20 \l 13321 (Terruso, 2020).
When she started training for the dance competition, her grades went down. Nevertheless, she still excelled at school but not the way she used to. However, when her mother discovered her new hobby, she was outraged and definitely prohibited her daughter to join extra-curricular activities. Due to this, the daughter became desolate and lost her friends and boyfriend in the dance team. In the end, she showed stubbornness and did not follow her mother’s wishes and decided to neglect her decision. The protagonist went to the dance contest, disregarded her mother’s wishes without thinking about the consequences, and enjoyed her passion CITATION Ter20 \l 13321 (Terruso, 2020).
Authoritative Style of Parenting
This style is an ideal approach where the parents are demanding but providing their children with an appropriate warmth. The parents value discipline and support their children at all times. Because of this, the parents and children are both empowered and develop an encouraging and reassuring relationship. The parents and children respect and trust one another CITATION Phe05 \l 13321 (Phelan, 2005). An example of this is the 2016 Netflix animated film entitled, Ballerina. Here, the protagonist is Felice, an orphan, who found her passion in ballet when she went to Paris. She trained under another former ballerina, Odette, whom she considered as her parent. Odette was strict when ...
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