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Write a page paper that provides a good overview of HIPAA & Security.

Essay Instructions:

Write a two page APA paper that provides a good overview of HIPAA and Security. What is it and why is it important. Do some research off the web and provide all references.

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The need for medical and health information to remain private is one that all individuals share. However, the U.S Congress came to a consensus and passed federal legislation that brought about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (HIPAA). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), President Bill Clinton signed the act into law in 1996, August 21st, necessitating the creation of national standards (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018, Sept 14). These would establish the flow of patient information, maintenance, and protection, ensuring no disclosing of sensitive information to other people without the patient’s approval. The act is landmark legislation important to patients for several reasons.
One of the noteworthy benefits is the confidentiality of patients’ information. The act strictly restricts the number of individuals who can view a patient’s health data and who it can be shared with without getting prior consent from the patient (HIPAA Journal, 2018, Mar 8). According to it, only healthcare employees directly involved in providing healthcare services to a patient, business associates such as bill processors get access to their medical files. If a health institution needs to share a patient’s information with marketers or their families, they must first obtain permission from the patient. With such a regulation, one enjoys confidentiality.
The tight security around patients’ information is another reason the act is essential. It requires healthcare providers, health plans, and organizations to employ multiple safeguards that protect sensitive personal and health information (HHS.gov, 2020, Nov 2). While no organization would want their patients’ data leaked, before HIPAA’s passage, they did little to prevent it as there were no consequences. However, they have to employ administrati...
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