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Importance and Purpose of Education

Essay Instructions:

Take-Home MidTerm Essay: A Family Letter on the Purposes of Education

Over the first few weeks of class, we have explored the many purposes of education, both in and out of schools. We have examined the historical emergence of schools in different parts of the world (both in the U.S., Asia, and Europe, and as part of colonization and so-called “development”), and the many purposes these schools have tried to carry forth. We have examined the “official” purposes of schools, as stated by politicians and policymakers (for creating modern, assimilated, moral citizens or obedient colonial subjects; skilled workers for the labor force; loyal patriots; creative thinkers and problem solvers, etc.), and we have examined critiques and counter-proposals by some educators. This essay assignment should help you sort through the many purposes of schooling, examine your assumptions, and develop clarity as an educator and global citizen.

Use this mid-term assignment to craft a statement about what you view as the most important purposes of schooling today. You should write the essay as a letter to an audience of family members and/or friends, and assume they have little to no familiarity with the material you are discussing. Write the paper as though you are informing someone outside this course what you have learned so far, and how this has helped clarify your thinking about the most important purposes of schooling today. In developing this statement, you must make specific reference to the ideas and theories of at least 5 different thinkers from 5 different readings we have read and discussed over the first part of this course, and you must cite details from them (feel free to mention other authors you may know as well, but at least 5 should be from our common course readings). In other words, your own statement about the most important purposes of schooling should emerge out of a critical dialogue with other thinkers and authors. You may want to use some (bot not necessarily all!) of the following questions as an aid in developing the paper: How have changing historical circumstances brought certain educational purposes to the fore, and which of these purposes have persisted to the present day? Which ideas or proposals from the past do you find useful and worthwhile in the present day, and which do you find useless or misguided? How has your own thinking about the most important purposes of schooling been strengthened or sharpened by your exposure to “new ideas” (even if they are historically “old”)? How does your knowledge about the purposes of education in other cultures and countries, or in settings outside of schools, help you clarify your own ideas about the purposes of schools? Upon looking back at what you wrote on the first day of the semester, how have your own ideas about the purposes of education and schooling been changed so far in this class?

Please consult and read carefully the “Writing Guidelines” that I have attached jere for more details about my expectations on formal writing assignments. The paper will be evaluated according to how clearly you organize your ideas and express yourself in writing, how well you draw on course materials to develop your ideas, and how creatively and imaginatively you state your position. In referring to the authors and readings, you should provide concrete detail in the form of direct quotes or extended paraphrases (make sure you acknowledge direct quotes, and cite the page numbers). Feel free to cut and paste sentences or passages from your own Discussion Briefs. You do not need to include a formal bibliography with full citations if you are not citing readings outside the assigned material for this class. If the readings are from the syllabus, simply refer to the authors and the titles of the readings. This paper should be at least 1,500 words, around 5 full double-spaced pages (11 or 12 point font). It may go up to 2,000 words or a little longer, if you so wish. The paper is due by Sunday, February 25th, midnight, in this Canvas Assignment tab. It is worth 200 points.

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Well, education started with man’s introduction on earth. The man was expected to learn survival ways, and this meant that he had to study his surroundings and find the most appropriate ways to help him cruise through life. This knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, but the man became more sophisticated, and this meant that generational gaps existed. Initially, education was mainly to help man survive and know how to exploit his immediate world. However, today, education looks to the future and appears to coach humanity how to survive the unknown or the future. However, life is not all about surviving the future and preparing oneself for what is to come. Life has other facets which make it more challenging and interesting, and thus deem education essential. For example, knowing what freedom is and when to discern when one’s freedom is being infringed are important.
Additionally, finding one’s niche in life is also another issue that further affirms the importance of education. So, today, education is all-around, and its purpose cannot be remotely started or outlined in a single sentence. However, for this paper, the purpose of education is to inculcate moral and ethical values in the students, provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to fit within humanity, and finally to churn responsible individuals who understand the world around them.
Education has been used for different purposes in the past. For example, during the colonial era, it was used to help ensure that the colonized would remain within the claws of the colonizer. The Europeans’ goal was to make sure that the colonized would remain under them for the longest time. In his article, White (1996) notes that while the African schools sought to educate everyone, the “European schools, on the other hand, were more selective and were concerned with educating an African elite that could eventually fill the lower ranks of the colonial civil service.” To the Europeans, education was reserved for those who would agree to work under them. With an educated lot, the Europeans knew they would be at a loss because the Africans, for example, would know more about principles like freedom and values of equality. Education today helps people know their worth as members of humanity. This means that people know who they are, the value of their freedom, as well as equality. In the past, it was easier for the Africans and other colonies like India to be kept at bay because these values were not understood. However, after the spread of education, the world has seen more people rise against aristocratic and dictatorial regimes. So, the greater purpose of education is to ensure that people know their worth and value as members of humanity and to voice their concerns or displeasure whenever the line is crossed.
Education also helps to churn individuals who know their responsibility as members of the human race. Additionally, it helps them to be active participants of the world. Before one is educated about music, it is almost impossible to grasp the meaning of music. However, with a background in music, one can easily grasp the meaning of music or a particular sound. In Timothy McMannon’s The Changing Purposes of Education and Schooling, he writes that “education enables one to participate more fully in the human conversation of which all of these are elements.” He continues to write, noting that “when people are judged ignorant or unappreciative of cultural achievements, educational institutions are likely to be blamed.” The above is true, and it would be accurate to add that educational institutions would also have failed in one of their most crucial goals. As people come out of school, they should know how to live with others as well as know the limits or boundaries of belonging to the human race. By being active participants of the world, this article means that people must understand the responsibility that comes with being educated. The human conversation covers various aspects and elements, and it is difficult to acknowledge those without education. So, education helps one to fit within humanity while acknowledging all the aspects and elements that make up the world. Timothy McMannon appreciates the above while noting that “education is a process of socialization, preparing each to take an active place in the specific societ...
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