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Identity Development During Adolescence Research

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment: Adolescent Development Handout
Instructions for the Written Assignment
by  stevefaeembra wordle of positive self-descriptive terms
For the last several modules we have studied the interrelated nature of theory nature and application of child development to practice.
For this assignment you will locate and apply several scholarly resources related to identity development during adolescence and develop a 2 page handout of key points for a formal group; high school guidance counselors, parents, or people who work with adolescents. Your handout should explain:
¥ Identity development (both theory and research) at this stage and provide general guidelines for your audience to use when interacting with adolescents.
¥ Be creative with this assignment but be sure to cover identity development well via the scholarly resources you locate.
¥ You may use bullet points and a brief description of each resource vs. standard essay format.
¥ Always cite as needed and provide a reference page at the end.
I have collected a few resources to help you get started:
1 Adolescent Identity
2 Fuligni, A. J., & Eccles, J. S. (1993). Perceived parent-child relationships and early adolescents' orientation toward peers. Developmental Psychology, 29(4), 622-632.
3 Weiner, I., & Craighead, E. (2010). Separation - Individuation. In The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Additional Instructions
Readings: For all written assignments, please be sure to apply the assigned module readings, journal articles as well as other scholarly resources you have located. Cite as needed throughout the writing as you apply the readings, and provide a reference page at the end. Always apply additional scholarly resources (at least two)
Your written assignments are intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. They are also intended to provide opportunities to more fully describe, explain, and analyze your ideas. For assistance on finding Library Resources and Academic Integrity review the resources available to you.
Your assignment is expected to be well written using APA style and organized, with proper sentence structure, citations, and spellchecked.
Please see attached lecture .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Identity Development during Adolescence
Date of submission
Identity Development during Adolescence
The handout herein is meant to explain Identity Development during Adolescence to high school guidance counselors, parents, or people who work with the adolescents.
The various sections that will be discussed within the document include;
1 What is adolescence?
2 What is Identity?
3 What is identity development (both in theory and research) in adolescence stage?
4 Recommended guidelines use for interactions with adolescents
5 How do teens develop identities?
6 Impacts of identity exploration
7 Reasons for interactions with the adolescents
What is adolescence?
A transitional development that occurs between childhood and adulthood is referred to adolescence. This period sometimes is called puberty. The period commences between 12 years to either 18 or latest 21 years (Zelazo & Carlson, 2012).
What is identity?
We identify ourselves with several things or groups such as personal, age, gender, ethnic background, race, language, region, nationality and political identities among others. However, a personal identity is having a sense, expressions that make you who you are, qualities, beliefs and look. For example, “I am a girl, I am an American boy, I am twelve years old, I care for my friends” (James, 2015).
What is identity development (both in theory and research) in adolescence stage?
When teens start asking and finding the answer to the question "Who am I?" then it marks the starting point of identity development. Teenagers while striving to identify themselves, they develop gradually. This can be noted by the various activities they do such as wearing outfits of different colors, trying new activities. They start thinking differently about themselves based on the changes they see in their bodies and forming different groups among others. However, understanding identity development takes both theory and research perspectives (Fuligni & Eccles, 1993).
A theoretical perspective of adolescence identity development has been described by many theorists. The majority of the assumptions identify that adolescence identity development takes both psychosexual development and character formation in relation to the balancing between elements such as the id, ego and the superego and are genetically determined independently. This strive of finding equilibrium between the three struggling elements (id, ego, and superego) is normally disturbed at the puberty stage resulting in puberty conflict. Thus, it causes teens to start finding solutions about their identity (Freud S., 1994; Freud A., 1989 & Erikson, 1956).
On a separate note, researchers have elaborated that identity development at the adolescence stage o...
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