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ECS 110: The Book By Ozlem Sensoy And Robin Diangelo

Essay Instructions:

**** Identify each post per page. I have provided the 3 posts to you. The instruction below is my professor.

"There are two choices for the forum assignment:

1) I will give you a mark out of 15. You can choose to identify three posts that you feel best to represent your participation and contribution. Your mark will be based on these posts but will also take into account your forum responses as a whole.

2) Self assessment out of 10 marks. I will assign the remaining 5 marks based on your overall participation and contribution. (This option has been added and was not listed on the original assignment description) => UYEN wants the writer to choose section number 2.

In both cases, the mark will be based on the following criteria (listed in the assignment description).

Do your posts:

Answer the posted questions and stay on topic.

Maintain a respectful tone.

Demonstrate that you have completed assigned readings by making specific reference to ideas in the reading being discussed.

Make connections to other course content including PowerPoint slides, group discussions and assigned reading from other weeks.


Connections made to personal experience and future applications.


Ask questions of yourself, your classmates, your instructor and the authors of the readings."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Challenging Ideas
Uyen Dao describes the book by Ozlem Sensoy and Robin Diangelo on social and institutional power, social injustices, political inequalities, and cultural misunderstandings among others in detail. I agree with Dao that the author has connected the audience with himself and carefully and meticulously delivered the content in a manner it elicits critical thoughts from the reader. The manner the author has organized the content is impeccable and shows a great deal of specificity in addressing his audience. The content is intriguing and leaves room for the reader to find the attempt to find solutions to problems at hand. Dao has asserted that the society requires a critical approach to addressing its issues and find lasting solutions with higher efficacy. It is a thought embodied in the book that many society’s problems are resolvable if a creative angle to the issues is adopted. Dao observes that the authors have ensured the readers grasp all the concepts he has laid out in the books by offering relevant examples to each concept he has outlined in the book.
Dao asserts that the readers and the general public ought to read widely and gather as much information as possible on any issue to ensure they make decisions based on factual data whether politically or socially correct. According to Dao, the authors have captured and presented the issues affecting the society and presented them in a twisty manner. It is an effective manner to engage the minds of the reader to and approach each issue with an open mind and think critically in the best way it can be resolved. It is thus imperative that everyone involved in administering and upholding social justice must be ready to shelf his/her ideologies, beliefs, culture and pay attention to their personal reactions to enable them to understand and challenge their own beliefs.
National narrative, power, and oppression
Uyen Dao has come up with an informative article based on real life events that have continually altered the course of human civilization and democracy. She observes that over the years, democracy has been the backbone of Western countries culture and has steered them through many challenges they have encountered as a nation. She explains many western countries are either civic or ethnic nations and ...
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