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Reflect On What You Have Learned: Early Childhood

Essay Instructions:

Course : Early childhood Attachement

Reflective essay.

Begin this final reflection by revisiting and analyzing your autobiographic memories from the Before You Begin module ( please see attached document) . Reflect on what you have learned: How do you NOW understand the attachments you experienced and wrote about at the beginning of this course. You might also want to review your Learning Journal entries.

Please take this opportunity to reflect on your learning experience.

Submit a reflective essay of no more than two pages reflecting on your learning in this study. This is an informal written assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflect on What You Have Learned
All through my life, I have been more attached to my mother than to my father. I feel the reason behind all that is because my mother has always been available while my father has rarely been available. My mother has all through been there to comfort, hug and kiss me when I feel sad and lonely She always make sure that I feel loved, safe and appreciated. She makes sure that every time I need her for any assistance, she is there for me. My father on the hand has always been busy. He rarely spends time with anyone. The only thing that matters to him is his job. He is not compassionate, and one can therefore comfortably say that he is a selfish person because he cares for no one, not even my mother. He is an egotistical man, and I think he does not care about others because he considers himself better than any other individual. I can, therefore, declare that I feel more attached to my mother because I consider her actions great as they make me feel good and am least attached to my father because I feel his demeanor is wrong and it depicts a character of an unloving individual.
My experiences have made me learn that a parent should be loving and should always ensure that they are there for their children in every way possible so as to create healthy relationships between them and their children. I have learned that parents should avoid being too concerned about their jobs and other things, which make it impossible for them to give their children the right attention that is needed. I have also learned that when a parent is concerned about the well- being of his or her child the relationship between them is always strong and the child feel loved. The child also views herself or himself as an individual who has value, therefore, self -esteem issues are eliminated which in return make the child more productive and innovative. Moreover, I have learned that for parents to avoid the resentment that comes from their children as a result of them not being there for them, they should ensure that they put the needs of their children first so that they can render the most efficient care as parents.
I have also learned that every parent should strive to ensure that they are treating their children in the way so that cases of children being more inclined to love one p...
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