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ECS 110 Wiki Group 2: Ableism, Abilities, Group Identity

Essay Instructions:

Please answers all of the questions into 2 pages. Also, please state the answer below each question.
1. Define Ableism
2. How is the privileged ‘self' produced in Abilities? Who is the dominant identity?
How can we trace the production of dominance in terms of abilities?
How can we make visible the dominant group in terms of abilities?
Highlight the ways that ‘normal' is produced in terms of abilities...
3. How is the marginalized ‘other' produced in Abilities? Who is the marginalized identity?
How can we trace the production of ableism?
Trace how the marginalized group is made hyper-visible.
Name and unpack the myths and stereotypes about the marginalized group in terms of abilities.
4. Understanding the effects of oppression
What are systemic effects of ableism?
What are personal effects of ableism?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Q.1. Ableism is a term used to describe discrimination against people with certain disabilities. Ableism is a dominant attitude within the society that degrades the potential of people with disability (Kattari, 2015).
2. Privileged self is produced in abilities when individuals with membership within specific groups believe they have earned the privilege that they enjoy. They believe that one can access these privileges if only they worked hard to earn them. Privilege is invisible to these people. Individuals with dominant identity include; males, English speaking individual, middle-class people, heterosexuals, white people, able individuals and Christians (Sutton, 2016).
2.a.We can trace the production of dominance regarding abilities by analyzing how oppression occur and how dominant groups see themselves as superior people, but not stereotypes. The social, cultural, historical and economic condition are ways in which production of dominance can be traced. Historically, dominant groups hold most power while subordinate groups lack power. For example, in South Africa apartheid present situation where black inhabitant was exploited and oppressed by white people (Sterzing et al., 2017).
2.b. We can make visible dominant groups in terms of their abilities by promoting social justice, equal opportunity and equity (Sterzing et al., 2017).
2.c. Normal is produced when normal is considered through individual reasoning, group identity, ethnic background, social status and body abilities. For example, people with disables are considered as abnormal and are referred to as second class citizens (Shapiro, 2015).
3a. Marginalized other is produced in abilities when certain individuals are not permitted to have an active voice, identity or a place in the society. These happen directly or indirectly. Marginalized others are relegated to a secondary position or are made to feel less important compared to those who hold more privileges and power in the society. The marginalized identity occurs in terms of gender, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, sexual age and socioeconomic status (Sutton, 2016).
3b.The production of ableism can be traced by institutional powers created by specific groups of an individual to discriminate some groups these ...
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