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Identifying Diverse Learners’ Needs

Essay Instructions:
00176827 and 00177045 are connected. I would like to have the same writer Cultural diversity is a defining characteristic of modern students and is even more pronounced in online learning environments. During the Module 1 analysis, you considered the structural components of a functional lesson plan to meet the educational needs of culturally diverse students. In this assignment, you will investigate characteristics of diverse learner groups, keeping in mind how components of a lesson plan can be modified to aid each group and meet their unique instructional needs. Step 1. Investigate Investigate diverse student characteristics for three distinct immigrant student groups to plan culturally relevant instruction meeting their academic needs. Step 2. Create Create a visual depiction – chart, table, or figure – showing academic outcome disparities and learner needs for each group identified in Step 1. Step 3. Evaluate Evaluate identity, self-efficacy, and sociocultural consciousness theory frameworks in a table. Note similarities and applications to a culturally relevant curriculum within the table. Step 4. Critique Critique your Module 1 lesson plan. How can resources such as those provided by the Center for Applied Special Technology (linked on the Learning Objects page) enhance cultural relevance? How can you embed identity, self-efficacy, and sociocultural consciousness theory frameworks into the lesson plan? Which modifications should be made to accommodate the identified diverse learner groups? Step 5. Submit Submit your visual depiction from Step 2, theory frameworks table from Step 3, and the modified lesson plan in a document of at least 9 pages (not including title and reference pages). Include an introduction, conclusion, title page, and APA-formatted references page. https://nces(dot)ed(dot)gov/programs/raceindicators/indicator_rbb.asp https://www(dot)gettingsmart(dot)com/2017/08/09/8-things-look-student-centered-learning-environment/ https://www(dot)cast(dot)org/binaries/content/assets/common/publications/downloads/cast-10-engagement-2016.pdf
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Identifying Diverse Learners' Needs Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Identifying Diverse Learners' Needs Introduction Certainly, diverse students from different cultural backgrounds have varying academic needs. Educators need to understand the various characteristics of diverse students during learning to enhance the establishment of quality instructional curricular teaching methods and designs. This will ensure that the academic needs of these students are addressed, fostering quality attainment and educational success for these individuals (Chen & Lindo, 2018). In the United States, educators face various challenges from culturally diverse learners that impact their pedagogy of evaluating and teaching students in classrooms. Notably, culturally diverse and immigrant student groups, which include Asian, African, and Hispanic students, have varying characteristics that are crucial in addressing their academic needs (Chen & Lindo, 2018). Conversely, these groups of diverse learners prompt educators to make necessary changes that will factor in their cultural characteristics and differences to promote quality learning plans and curricular evaluation. Visual depiction Diverse immigrant group Outcome disparities Education needs Asian immigrant students Socioeconomic differences. Cultural practices and values. Psychological development structures. Financial assistance. Cultural curricular integration. Language support systems. Hispanic immigrant learners Family engagement. Educational background differences. Communal integration. Financial and language aid. Family engagement curricular activity programs. African immigrant students Educational resources. Language barrier. Financial aid. Language support structures. Asian diverse learners It is imperative to highlight that most Asian immigrant students have varying structural backgrounds that influence their socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status is a significant characteristic influencing educational behaviors and performance among diverse learners (Langberg et al., 2012). It is important to note that diverse students from high socioeconomic families find it less challenging to engage in curricular activities compared to diverse students from families of lower socioeconomic status. Noticeably, most Asian learners from low socioeconomic status families lack quality curricular engagement and access to educational resources. This disadvantages these diverse learners compared to white students from high socioeconomic status families (Cimermanova, 2018). As a result, this creates a significant education attainment gap that educators in learning institutions should be aware of when creating instructional curricular plans and learning methods. The cultural beliefs of diverse learners are another characteristic that impacts students' learning behaviors and educational attainment. Immigrant Asian students' varying cultural beliefs influence their learning experience and education behaviors (Chen & Lindo, 2018). Most Asian immigrant learners have cultural beliefs that differ from those of white students. Most immigrant families focus on family connectedness (Nganga, 2015). Some families find it challenging to focus on education matters due to family income statuses and the level of emphasis on education. This factor and diversity characteristic impacts the educational gap between Asian immigrant learners and other students in classrooms. Further, cognitive development and abilities among diverse students are another factor that influences academic performance and attainment in classrooms and learning institutions (Langberg et al., 2012). According to statistical data analysis and records, there is a significant difference and gap between white students and diverse learners in many learning institutions in the United States. This is attributed to the educational resources and materials available to these diverse students. According to studies and statistical surveys, most Asian immigrant learners who have limited access to learning materials and education resources exhibit low cognitive development characteristics compared to students exposed to quality and sustainable educational resources. This also influences the language interchange challenges these diverse students experience during learning processes (Langberg et al., 2012). Learners should be aware of these characteristical differences during the learning process. This ensures educators employ qualitative lesson plans and teaching strategies that foster cultural learning and education attainment. Hispanic diverse students This group of immigrant learners also presents varying characteristics that impact their academic behaviors and education attitudes. Similarly, Hispanic students exhibit learning behaviors attributed to socioeconomic, language competencies, and educational background characteristics that influence this group's learning behaviors. Most Hispanic diverse learners experience language challenges due to their language characteristics (Chen & Lindo, 2018). These Spanish-speaking diverse groups of students experience learning differences due to their language proficiency. These varying English levels impact most students' educational behaviours and performance. Moreover, socioeconomic status and systems for most Hispanic diverse students influence their learning skills and curricular performance. Some Hispanic immigrant students come from families that experience financial challenges inhibiting the quality of their curricular activities and education engagement. This affects educational attitudes for the most diverse students from these communities. Consequently, this hinders quality learning and performance (Cimermanova, 2018). Further, the educational background of most Hispanic immigrant learners inhibits most students from this group from accessing quality education. Statistical data analysis and evaluation indicate that students from families less involved in curricular activities and education engagement have lower motivation toward academic success. This impacts their learning behaviors and practices, resulting in low curricular performance and attainment. African immigrant learners Curricular learning behaviors and attainment for African immigrant learners differ from those of white students due to varying educational backgrounds, cultural practices and beliefs, and socioeconomic characteristics presented by this diverse group (Nganga, 2015). Most African immigrant students exhibit various characteristics that influence their learning behaviors. One of the most notable characteristics is the financial constraints experienced by most students from this diverse group (Cimermanova, 2018). African immigrant learners experiencing financial challenges inhibit their access to quality education materials and resources. This has created an education gap among this group, thus inhibiting quality education engagement and attainment. Moreover, cultural characteristics such as respecting the communal studying practices and approach among this diverse community influence educational behaviors and attitudes for most African immigrant learners. It is important to note that emphasis is put on parameters to manage resources accessible to these students (Langberg et al., 2012). This results in low educational attainment for most African students. Consequently, the academic gap between white students and African Educators should understand these differences to foster quality curricular learning plans and teaching strategies. Further, most families of African immigrant students have low educational backgrounds. This characteristic impacts learning behaviors and experiences for these diverse learners, influencing their performance and education engagement. It is worth noting that this is different among white students, with most families having a quality educational background that qualitatively influences education engagement among white students compared to African immigrant learners (Chen & Lindo, 2018). This creates education attainment and performance differences between these two groups. Furthermore, this characteristic influences the learning attitudes of African immigrant students. Educators should comprehend these characteristic differences to develop culturally responsive learning methods and lesson plans. Outcome disparities and students' needs As ...
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