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Essay Instructions:
In this task, you will identify educational problems from your own experience that you could have addressed with either qualitative or quantitative data. You will then use the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose (CRAAP) test to evaluate the credibility of a published educational research article that relates to one of the educational problems you identify. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt). A. Discuss an educational problem from your own experience that you could have used qualitative data to address. 1. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of using qualitative data to address the educational problem from part A. 2. Explain why the use of qualitative data would be appropriate to address the educational problem from part A. B. Discuss an educational problem from your own experience that you could have used quantitative data to address. 1. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of using quantitative data to address the educational problem from part B. 2. Explain why the use of quantitative data would be appropriate to address the educational problem from part B. C. Identify a published educational research article from the WGU Library that could be used to address your educational problem from either part A or part B and provide a link to the article. 1. Discuss the credibility of your article from part C using the following components of the CRAAP test and evidence from the article: a. Currency: Describe the timeliness of the information in the article. b. Relevance: Discuss the relevance of the information to the identified educational problem. c. Authority: Evaluate the credibility of the source of the information. d. Accuracy: Discuss the reliability and accuracy of the information. e. Purpose: Describe the purpose or intent of the information. D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. File Restrictions File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! - _ . * ' ( ) File size limit: 200 MB File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, csv, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z RUBRIC SOE PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS AND ETHICS: NOT EVIDENT The submission demonstrates both behavior and disposition that conflict with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission demonstrates behavior or disposition that conflicts with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics. COMPETENT The submission demonstrates behavior and disposition that align with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics. A:EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM: QUALITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT An educational problem is not discussed. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The educational problem discussed could not plausibly be addressed using qualitative data. COMPETENT The educational problem discussed could plausibly be addressed using qualitative data. A1:ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE: QUALITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT A discussion of 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of using qualitative data to address a problem is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussed advantage, disadvantage, or both are irrelevant to the educational problem from part A. Or the results of using qualitative data to address the problem are not plausible. COMPETENT Both the discussed advantage and the disadvantage of using qualitative data are relevant to the educational problem from part A. The results of using qualitative data to address the problem are plausible. A2:APPROPRIATENESS: QUALITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT An explanation of why the use of qualitative data would address the educational problem from part A is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The explanation of why it is appropriate to use qualitative data to address the educational problem from part A is not plausible. COMPETENT The explanation of why it is appropriate to use qualitative data to address the educational problem from part A is plausible. B:EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM: QUANTITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT An educational problem is not discussed. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The educational problem discussed could not plausibly be addressed using quantitative data. COMPETENT The educational problem discussed could plausibly be addressed using quantitative data. B1:ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE: QUANTITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT A discussion of 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of using quantitative data to address a problem is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussed advantage, disadvantage, or both are irrelevant to the educational problem from part B. Or the results of using quantitative data to address the problem are not plausible. COMPETENT Both the discussed advantage and the disadvantage of using quantitative data are relevant to the educational problem from part B. The results of using quantitative data to address the problem are plausible. B2:APPROPRIATENESS: QUANTITATIVE DATA NOT EVIDENT An explanation of why the use of quantitative data would address the educational problem from part B is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The explanation of why it is appropriate to use quantitative data to address the educational problem from part B is not plausible. COMPETENT The explanation of why it is appropriate to use quantitative data to address the educational problem from part B is plausible. C:EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ARTICLE NOT EVIDENT A working link to a published educational research article is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE A working link to a published educational research article is provided, but the article identified does not address the chosen educational problem from part A or part B. COMPETENT A working link to a published educational research article is provided, and the article identified addresses the chosen educational problem from part A or part B. C1A:CRAAP TEST: CURRENCY NOT EVIDENT A description of the timeliness of the information is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description does not accurately address the timeliness of the information. Or supporting evidence from the article is not included. COMPETENT The description accurately addresses the timeliness of the information and includes supporting evidence from the article. C1B:CRAAP TEST: RELEVANCE NOT EVIDENT A discussion of the relevance of the information is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussion of the relevance of the information in the article to the chosen educational problem is not plausible, or evidence from the article is not included. COMPETENT The discussion of the relevance of the information to the educational problem is plausible and includes evidence from the article. C1C:CRAAP TEST: AUTHORITY NOT EVIDENT An evaluation of the credibility of the source of the article is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The evaluation of the credibility of the source of the information is inaccurate, or evidence from the article is not included. COMPETENT The evaluation of the credibility of the source of the information is accurate and includes evidence from the article. C1D:CRAAP TEST: ACCURACY NOT EVIDENT A discussion of the reliability and accuracy of the information in the article is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussion of the reliability or accuracy of the information in the article is inaccurate, or evidence from the article is not included. COMPETENT The discussion of the reliability and accuracy of the information from the article is accurate and includes evidence from the article. C1E:CRAAP TEST: PURPOSE NOT EVIDENT A description of the purpose or intent of the information is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description of the purpose or intent of the information in the article is inaccurate, or evidence from the article is not included. COMPETENT The description of the purpose or intent of the information from the article is accurate and includes evidence from the article. D:APA SOURCES NOT EVIDENT The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style. COMPETENT The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. E:PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Identifying and Evaluating Data Sources Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Identifying and Evaluating Data Sources The education sector experiences problems that can be dealt with either qualitative or quantitative data. Qualitative or quantitative data is used to assess the issues, hence it develops an effective solution. Besides that, figuring out if Quantitative or Qualitative data are positive is a step towards ensuring that a specific problem is well solved. * Educational Problem to Address Using Qualitative Data The reoccurrence of educational disparities raise a concern on the sensitivity of the issue, which calls for its address using the qualitative data to find a meaningful and practical solution. Education disparities creates limitations to resources and quality of education services in the community. In this world we live, socioeconomic factors do matter and therefore, help in creating educational disparities (Mason-Williams et al., 2020). As an example, a disparity would be evident if schools in high income areas receive high quality education in an area compared to schools in a low income area. Disparities in education lead to lack of standardized education in a country. Qualitative data has, therefore, been relied upon in order to identify the major significance and difficulties leading to disparities in education, and to determine ways to solve the issues. Advantage and Disadvantage Qualitative data that can be used to address the educational disparities that our society currently experiences opens up a vast environment for making sure that the problem is properly addressed. Qualitative data is the fact we have the chance to explain the educational barriers as well as find out what factors causes the disparities. It assimilates the data and finalizes the perfect base for digging up the top solution to the inequalities associated with why they occur (Mason-Williams et al. 2020). Therefore, this type of data becomes a huge advantage in the area because it offers many-sided types of programs that help address the issue. However, qualitative data faces a disadvantage in that it is time-consuming. Collecting qualitative data to address educational disparities takes time to ensure that effective background and current assessment on the issue is done. The data cannot be used to ensure that an immediate solution is developed. Reason to Use ...
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