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How has your Philosophy/Vision of Curriculum & Instruction Leadership been influenced by what you have learned in this course?

Essay Instructions:


How has your Philosophy/Vision of Curriculum & Instruction Leadership been influenced by what you have learned in this course?

Identify 3 key principles regarding curriculum and instruction development/leadership from the 2 texts and readings that stood out the most to you

Identify 2 principles from the texts you learned that you will/can immediately apply in your current setting and why you think they will make a difference in the current setting.

Identify how your thinking has been influenced (positively or negatively) by the research and activities in this course.

( be sure to cite from both textbooks - Gordon and Wood)

Refine your original philosophy of curriculum and instruction leadership to reflect your new thinking

Discuss how it changed or remained the same.

What do you wish you could have spent more time learning about in this course and why?

What do you suggest including in this course in the future that will be of value to students?

Text book:Gordon, W., Oliva, P. F., & Taylor, R. (2019). Developing the Curriculum. Pearson.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Curriculum Development Reflection
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Curriculum Development Reflection
How has your Philosophy/Vision of Curriculum & Instruction Leadership been influenced by what you have learned in this course?
The course material has influenced my philosophy of curriculum and instruction leadership by instilling the viewpoint that strong educational leadership encourages best learning institutions to thrive as well as troubled schools to embrace transformational steps. That said, I learned that educational leaders are just as crucial to student learning as teachers. Therefore, curriculum and instruction leadership should be tailored to cultivate school environments where teachers flourish, and as a result, students improve their performance. Instructions and curriculum leaders accomplish this by providing an explicit direction, developing teachers’ talents, as well as setting high-performance expectations for teachers and their students. In addition, I acknowledged the role of evidence-based practice within school leadership practice in order to address educational challenges, including closing the attainment gaps and ascertaining those students of diverse demographic backgrounds achieve national standards.
Identify 3 key principles regarding curriculum and instruction development/leadership from the 2 texts and readings that stood out the most to you.
The three critical principles concerning curriculum and instruction development or leadership included objectives, subject matter (content), and learning experiences. Curriculum developers should constantly consider what needs to be incorporated into the curriculum and present and organize what is chosen. In this vein, curriculum development entails dealing with subject matter or content as well as educational experiences. These activities happen before the formulation of behavioral objectives, which act as a guide to curriculum development and execution. Irrespective of the curriculum framework or development approach employed, curriculum leaders should never ignore the three principles. Moreover, curriculum development and planning committees have options concerning the selection of experiences and content – determined partially by the psychological and philosophical viewpoints of the school, the school district, or the committee members curricula (Gordon, Oliva, & Taylor, 2019). Unquestionably, the curriculum development leaders have a wide range of learning experiences and content to incorporate, and more essentially, the interaction of the content and objectives and the association with educational experiences.
Identify 2 principles from the texts you learned that you will/can immediately apply in your current setting and why you think they will make a difference in the current setting.
The two principles that could be easily applied within my current setting include objectives and content. Objectives are mainly described in terms of the expected outcomes. For instance, I would create a chronological list of subtopics or topics to be addressed within a high school science course: activities of human organisms, use of animal and plant resources, development and evolution, and the like. This kind of list could indicate that I aim...
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