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New York City Public School

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New York City Public School
Hammond (2005) admits that teaching in a new school for a teacher could be apprehensive. Hammond lays down some strategies to see off any new teacher in a new school to equip oneself with the right attitude. Having been hired at the New York City public school, I will incorporate all skills acquired as a student teacher during my professional experience as a teacher in different learning institutions and teaching art. Hammond spells out the first step as familiarizing oneself with the school. I will therefore ensure I understand the school's layout by knowing the entry and exit points to the school. It's also essential to understand the schools' policies for teachers. It enables one to understand what is expected of them and avoid conflicts with the school administration community and my colleagues. Once acquainted with this information, organizing my classroom will be the top priority to suit the theme that I prefer the learner to get accustomed to. I will ensure I have learned their names and review the schools and classroom policies with them.
Nolen and Haladyna (1989) highlight student motivation as one of the vital goals a teacher needs to focus on to ensure effective teaching and learning. Data for my new class revealed 30% of learners I expect are below average, and I will focus more on these learners to better their grades. It shall be my duty to motivate the learner by arousing interest and creating curiosity effectively. Ensuring the lessons are interactive will be fundamental since an interactive learning session enables the students to learn more (Nolen and Haladyna, 1989). Sanacore (2008), who also attributes poor performance to a lack of learner motivation, points out that learning should be fun. To uplift the 30% of students with low grades in my class, I will ensure l ...
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